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follower idea (auto loot/harvest)


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hello! im new to the forums and i dont know how to mod yet but eventually ill play around and see what i can learn. i have this idea of a new follower that would be simple. a follower that would travel with you and simply loot chests/dead bodies, pick up items laying about that you didnt see or thats tucked away behind a rock. expand this to harvest ingredients or food while you explore the lands of skyrim. this follower wouldnt get in your way especially in cramped spaces and doesnt initiate in fights or gets attacked. i have optional ideas as well that you could toggle in cmc but this is the basics of my idea.


further more into this:

the commands for your pet would be:

"lets trade some things"

"roam the lands" -set personal marker on map to roam this area or have a marker to know where your pet is at all times. (jaxonz map markers mod) (follower goes on a trip mod)

"roam the areas/well be here for a while"

(no more i need you to do something and click what you want it to do like loot this chest or that body. instead it can open up to some of the above options)


follower is essential so it cant die. (if you want the follower to attack along side you it can be an option in cmc and will consume food to restore health)


the follower has a detailed list of what to grab and what to ignore of your choosing. ingredients can be "grab all ingredients" and doesnt need to be narrowed down. same for food. armor and weapons can be customized by v/w ratio/ armor type/ grab all or grab non, feel free to add in other options. choose from what type of potions from a tally list (magika/health/stamina/poison/and so on that would make sense to wanna grab), gold, ammo (bolts and arrows), ores or ingots, soul gems. no need for useless, misc things like cups and wooden plates/bowls and what not.


cmc option to auto loot/harvest after a set time if you killed something so you can have a chance to look for yourself, same with any containers. can customize this to ignore kills you made and any containers and only focus whats on open ground.


options to have unlimited carry weight or customizable of your choice.


command follower to roam skyrim freely on its own or roam your area, grabbing what options you laid out for them in the cmc. follower returns to you when done in an area you set around you. have a recall hot key to let your free roaming pet know its time to come back.


allow follower to free hunt game animals and if attacked, they can be chosen to flee or fight in cmc. can have an option to flee once health is at a certain % and doesnt have food to consume.


doesnt not attack neutral or essential npcs for quests or merchants/towns people. can enter into towns aswell


if you choose to have an attack pet, damage and defense are different to fit the pet. wolf/dog would have more attack than defense. mudcrab and dwenmer spider has more defense than attack.



choices of follower pet: rabbit, baby mudcrab(can attack), wolf/dog(can attack) baby spider(can attack), dwenmer spider(can attack), a chicken(can attack), fox, butterfly, lightning bug.


can name pets


if they fight, gain exp and level. leveling allows you to assign attribute stats like health, defense, or attack


each attack pet has resistances, or possibly use their own perk points to assign which resistances you want them to have.


possible abilities attack pets can have like howl to fear the enemy into fleeing or lowering armor ratings or attack speed. spiders could possibly deal low poison damage over time by default. or open wounds for wolves and dogs.


known mods that helped me think of some of these feature are (follower goes on a trip) followers roam and can do activities like explore caves and dungeons, clearing them out or do contract jobs. wouldnt want this mod and that mod to conflict and cause problems. dont want my roaming pet to take on contracts or enter dungeons or caves and to accidently clear an area thats possibly a quest. (Jaxonz map marker) can indicate your npc on the map as well as various other things.


this is a neat idea, tell me what you think and would love to see this idea come to life. be nice to either take some credit for the idea but mostly want to be notified when and if this mod gets created! much thanks!

Edited by irawrsunshine
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