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Lending my voice! (Demo Reel)


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Hello everyone! My name is Tyroul or Alex if you prefer and recently I have come into possession of a Microphone of decent quality. Something I have always wanted to do since I started playing Oblivion back in 2006 is voice an NPC. Now that I am older and posses a Microphone I thought why the heck not, you don't get anyway if you don't just do something. So here I am doing something :tongue:


Here is a YouTube based Demo Reel as a sort of example.



There is a wide range of characters in the video, ones of which I am happy with.


If you ever need a voice sounding like the above please, feel free to contact me via this Forum post, Twitter (Le_Tyroul), or Email ([email protected])


Thanks guys!


As I said, I just thought i'd give this a go as its something that I can do with my Microphone and want to utilize it as much as I can :D

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