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Need voice actor for Male follower/NPC etc?


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Hey there.


As I can tell, modders hang around here so I decided to post it here. If it is in wrong section, I would like that if admins move it to the right one.


I have very mature, cold and deep voice. If you know what I mean. If you don't check this: my introduction to my podcasts


I am young guy from Istanbul / Turkey. 22 years old.


I can play a character, for free, just for fun, adding something to my portfolio, in certain amount of accent of course. But who talks without an accent in games right?

Indeed English is not my first language as you can see.


I can make my voice deeper, harden, make more bass of my voice. I have zoom h1 for recording, adobe audition for editing. So dont worry about that, but you may need to convert files to the neccessary game files which i have no idea of.


Alright you can contact me wia my email because I may not see the answers in here.

( [email protected] )


Plus, no worries if you see this post few years later, I will still help you, freely.


I hope someone sees this :smile:


Have a nice day!



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