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Requests for a modding project


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Im working on a rather big mod, and I'm looking for some special armors to be included in it. I have planned on making a circus, which of course should involve acrobats, animaltrainers... I'm more specifically looking for a harlequinn-jester like armor, both male and female. Kinda like the ones from Assassins Creed Brotherhood. Also some festival masks would be great.


I've also planned on creating a mad alchemist, and for him I would like some unique robes, in the same style as the alchemist robes from the 2006-7 game "Prince of Persia" for PS3.


Lastly, a female "Ice-queen" dress would be perfect for my mod.


If you know any mods that includes this, tell me, and I'll ask for permission to use them for my own mod.


If you want to see some of my smaller mods for Oblivion, search for "Wizards Tower", "Madness house" or "Two sides of the same coin", or search for my username.


Lastly: Merry Christmas!

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Hi friend,


I like your idea. I've seen such idea before, but I can't refind it. Here are some mods I think you could use. They are not the reqested ones, but i find them great for a circus.



a mobile coffee shop

singing in the street

erotic dance

female masks

a female mage

a female lion tamer outfit but you have to rework. Get NifSkope. Open the meshes. You will see file paths like this, for example: f:\oblivion\data\textures\aaa001\blacklotus\shangshen02.dds <--wrong, ALL of these must be changed to remove the front part "f:\oblivion\data\" textures\aaa001\blacklotus\shangshen02.dds <--correct.

a whip

male clothing or this

sexy ice queen or less sexy and the ice crown take from Saphirias Romance



Happy modding 2012, :thumbsup: i'll have a look on you



Edited by Harvald
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