mphenyx790 Posted November 14, 2016 Share Posted November 14, 2016 I don't know why but I keep crashing everytime I step into a big city such as whiterun or riften, also I can run the game fine out of a city at 60fps but then out of random get like 10fps then crash. Please HelpSome of my mods are through the workshop.Specs:CPU: i5-6600kGPU: GTX 1070 FE (8gb VRAM)RAM: 16gbPSW: 650wOS: Windows 7Load Order:Skyrim.esm=1Update.esm=1Dragonborn.esm=1HearthFires.esm=1Dawnguard.esm=1ApachiiHair.esm=1ApachiiHairFemales.esm=1Campfire.esm=1Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm=1Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp=1CompanionArissa.esm=1notice board.esp=14k dark gritty mountains.esp=1ash pile expiration.esp=1BetaAlphaKnightLagrie.esp=1dd - realistic ragdoll force - realistic.esp=1deeper snow.esp=1dynamic fires.esp=1faster vanilla horses.esp=1LagrieDarkSet.esp=1morevillageanimals.esp=1OrnsteinLagrie.esp=1poshmudcrabs.esp=1RevampedExteriorFog.esp=1Better Summoning Visuals - TheGreyLight.esp=1AMB Glass Variants Lore.esp=1Differently Ebony.esp=1aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp=1Animated Enchantments.esp=1Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp=1Dr_Bandolier.esp=1Bijin NPCs.esp=1Bijin Warmaidens.esp=1Birds.esp=1Cloaks.esp=1DenserGrass.esp=1dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp=1Footprints.esp=1Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1Brows.esp=1HoldBorderBanners.esp=1iHUD.esp=1Immersive NPC in the dark.esp=1HARODATH_ImmersiveSoulgems.esp=1fallentreebridges.esp=1Immersive Weapons.esp=1iNeed.esp=1IndividualizedShoutCooldowns.esp=1Knight Of Thorns Armor.esp=1MainMenu.esp=1MoreBanditCamps(Explorer'sEdition).esp=1more idle markers - no dlc.esp=1more idle markers.esp=1FusRoDoor.esp=1Northgirl.esp=1Order My Items.esp=1OverflowingEnchant.esp=1Paarthurnax_Bypass.esp=1PC Head Tracking - MCM.esp=1PC Head Tracking - Patch.esp=1Run For Your Lives.esp=1Serana.esp=1skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp=1FS_Skycutter.esp=1SkyUI.esp=1DarkStandalone.esp=1SMIM-Merged-All.esp=1The Dance of Death.esp=1TheEyesOfBeauty.esp=1SL99VanillaFollowersAI.esp=1WeaponsOf3E.esp=1Chesko_WearableLantern.esp=1WetandCold.esp=1WetandCold - Ashes.esp=1SummonSmough.esp=1Dark souls 2 Armor Pack.esp=1EliteKnightArmor.esp=1FollowerWander2.esp=1Inigo.esp=1InigoMCM.esp=1RaceMenu.esp=1RaceMenuPlugin.esp=1Moniko.esp=1Convenient Horses.esp=1TacticalValtheim.esp=1RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp=1ogDiverseDragons2.esp=1dark souls sounds for skyrim.esp=0dsmirrorknight.esp=1smelterdemonlagrie.esp=1swag.esp=0NirShor-MusicalLore.esp=1RealisticWaterTwo.esp=1RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp=1RealisticWaterTwo - Dragonborn.esp=1Thunderchild - Epic Shout Package.esp=1Vivid Weathers.esp=1mintylightningmod.esp=1Vivid Weathers - Minty Lightning patch.esp=1havellagrie.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardX.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardI.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardII.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardIII.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardIIX.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardIV.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardIX.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardV.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardVI.esp=1sneWhiterunGuardVII.esp=1UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp=1BlacksmithUpgrades.esp=1Khinara Jade.esp=1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted November 14, 2016 Share Posted November 14, 2016 1. Ensure that your Vsnych is enabled for skyrim.2. Your setup should be:SkyrimUpdateDawnguardHearthfiresDragonborn3. Since you use all DLC, you should use the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition patch mod in place of the Unofficial Skyrim patch. That should be placed directly after Dragonborn.esm in the new order I mentioned.4. I suggest you pick up the Tool called LOOT and use it. Make sure that when you click sort, you wait until it is done and then hit "Apply". Some of your mods are out of order.5. You have Realistic Water Two Legendary and Dragonborn selected, it should just be Legendary (which means you have all 3 dlc)6. Dance of Death is an outdated mod. Replace it with Violens7. Generally, my install order on NMM, or my Load order for MO is something like this:SkyrimUpdateDawnguardHearthfireDragonbornUSLEEPSKSE Scripts (make sure these are properly installed and if you don't have it, you better get it)[Any mods that are utilities] (Bug fixes, safety load, better messagebox controls,...)[Custom Body Meshes][Custom Body Textures][All other ESPs][Animations][Custom Skeleton](Xp32mse,...)Alternate Start (I would suggest this mod. Not only does it help pregame Load for scripts, but if you really want to do vanilla start, you can through it.)Bashed PatchDual Sheath PatchOnce your mods are arranged this way, I run LOOT and let it set the priority of those it wants to in opposition to this load order. My game rarely ever crashes.Also, if you are using Mod Organizer, your left pane needs to match your right fairly closely (except generally texture mods). I will usually sort my left pane load order as mentioned above, then match it on the right; load LOOT and sort with it, then rearrange the left pane to match the right.If you are not, I would suggest utilizing an SKSE.ini file. That can help with memory ctds like you are possibly having. 8. Your saved game may have past scripts baked into it. Testing to make sure that your game is bug free (or nearly) is always best done on a new save (also why Alternate start is good because you don't have sit through the long intro over and over again.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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