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build mama murphys chair anywhere


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i use a mod which lets me move mama murphy to other settlements but her chair which she relies on later isnt buildeable in other settlements, leading to her just standing on the edge of the settlement looking in the direction of sanctury


so i would love to be able to build her chair anywhere

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Maybe slightly unrelated, but whilst having a peek inside FO4 a few weeks back, I discovered that (amongst other things not available in-game, such as the Red Giant Sun) there is a texture file for a Mr Handy 'chair' - didn't have the time to look further into it, but it might be that Bethesda were in the process of actually making the Mr Handy chair for Mama Murphy as depicted in the concept art, but it never got finished - a pity as I loved that idea.

When I've got some more free time, I'll have a look to see if there is a mesh file to go with it as well.

p.s. The image you've painted in my head of Mama Murphy at the edge of a settlement looking in Sanctuarys direction :sad:

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yes i knew about the handychair concept-art which would be the best choice but being able to build the normal one anywhere would do the trick aswell

i hope you get some freetime soon

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