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Can this be done?


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Would it somehow be possible to make a data selector menu that instead of being on the launcher, it is on the pause screen that pops up when you his esc, or even on the main menu? I mostly load all the data files i know im gonna use, but at times I have a sudden urge to play a save that needs a data file i don't have loaded.
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I'm probably mistaken, but I believe that Wyrebash allows you to setup mod profiles based on your saved games that can be initiated before entering the game. This may not be what you want, but it's as good as you're going to get. The way game data is treated, there is no way of adding or disabling mods without having to start the game over again. Primarily because of how data is loaded in RAM, and the order which mods are loaded. All of that stuff has to happen before any of those things are being used by the game. That initial loading screen when you start the game IS your mods getting loaded into the game, no actual loading exists when you turn them off and on. The launcher menu is only there to determine what files will be loaded by the game when the game starts to load.
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