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More intense fire at night please.


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Hello all,


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already, but the light from candles and especially braziers is dim at night.


I would like the same consistency of the vibrant orange fires during the day to be present during the night.


Currently the lanterns of the lanterns of skyrim mod barely light themselves up.

Over to the modders.

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Hello all,


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this already, but the light from candles and especially braziers is dim at night.


I would like the same consistency of the vibrant orange fires during the day to be present during the night.


Currently the lanterns of the lanterns of skyrim mod barely light themselves up.

Over to the modders.


Are you using a lighting/weather mod? or darker nights? some mods that darken the nights do this by diming all lightsources, its called sunglasseffect. Claralux´s lights can be intensified via console commands, might be possible for LoS too?

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Hi Jungsten, and thanks for the reply.


I did try out CoT, True Storms, darker nights, ELE (or ELFX, whichever one it is) 2 re-shaders and an ENB, but removed all of them.


I then deleted all my old saves and started a new game, only using Surreal lighting to make a more colourful game.


I've unticked Surreal lighting and loaded in Whiterun and went day to night and the braziers became much dimmer.


Should I do a clean re-install? I would have hoped the "sun-glasses" effect from CoT and darker nights would not have lingered, but what do you advise, and bear in mind a clean install takes 3 hours.

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Using a clean install I can now confirm that fires get dimmer at night.


2011, and at night time fires, torches, braziers all stood out more.


In 2016 they all get dimmer at night.


Well done Bethesda.


Anyway, can someone please rectify this with a mod to increase intensity after sunset.

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