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Green glow Ghost armor


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Okay, I get it, you don,t want me to get a modification to the armor. but I return you to a previous point where I said "If someone is willing to do it but want to be sure to have consent, I WILL GO ASK". But if no one is going to do it I won't be going to ask. Now you can go, we've beaten a dead horse for long enough. If i get in trouble for such a little thing, it's my concern, you can move on now.


And no mods has gone back to me on this yet so yes, it's still an open request for now.

Edited by FireFangs
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The argument here certainly applies to mods in general, but in this case he could still port it over to Fallout 4 from the original mod, which is a modder's resource per the page located here:




So, FireFangs, my suggestion would be to start firing up some YouTube tutorials so you can learn to do just that. Or contact the author of the Fallout 4 port and ask them.


For personal use, you should grab the Material Editor by Ousnius and open the BGSM file from the port, and either edit the texture used for the mesh or the emittance color, depending how they set up the glowmap. But you'll still have to tinker to figure out what I just said. :tongue:


Hopefully, doing that starts you down a wonderful path to making your own mods and sharing with the community. :smile:


Edit: Or maybe you are already a mod author... o.O

Edited by Flowerguy360
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I wouldn't call myself a full time mod author, I only did ports and fiddled around with the creation kit. It's why I need help to change the color on the armor as I have no knowledge at all that could help me do it.


As for the mod itself, it's already ported to FO4, actually, and it could be argued that I have some rights over it since I did the port from FO3 to NV but that's another story.

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What you do on your own computer is none of our concern. But sharing files publicly without the permission of the original creator is not allowed, something it seems you are not suggesting here.



And FYI, Fair Use is not a defense you can just toss around like this. It is only applicable in court, so until you are actually sued for something, saying "this falls under Fair Use" is irrelevant.

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