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Less anime-inspired or feminine-focused animation replacement?


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Alright, I wanna keep this short and simple. I appreciate a gorgeous woman and her cute animations but I appreciate that on some occasions and sometimes... Not... What I've found with great lack of luck is that there aren't that many good animation replacements that aren't purposefully for women, or aren't japanese/anime-like.


All I'm asking for is a nice set of animations for a more masculine male battlemage. Which I think, considering Oblivion has been out for so long, isn't an unfair question, I just feel like these mods are buried somewhere.



If anyone who has more knowledge on this, do you know;


1. General animation replacers for most of the animations in oblivion, that just improve on some of the clunkiness of the original.


2. Better animations for two handed combat. (I did check out Ser Knight but it looked a bit awkward.)


3. Badass casting animations.


Oh and here's the image of the armor I'm using, so that if you're just browsing and reading this you might be a person who just clicks and thinks "Yep, I know what this guy's looking for".




On another note, is that just a flattering image of the vanilla animations or is it a replacement? I can't tell.

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Also I realized I was being stupid. That casting there is from an animation replacer that tempted me from some smaller screenshots but when I got a closer look they were doing this edgy two-fingered casting thing and running like they were naruto or some s#*!...

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