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New to modding! Help please!


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I've just started modding this game (with DAModder) and so far only three mods have worked: The Winter Forge, UDK, and the Phoenix armory.


Others I wanted included More hairstyles, Vibrant colors, etc. The problem is when I drag these into DAmodder, it says: "No valid mod data was found at specific location." I read around and found this means I should use the Modmanager to use these files, but when I try that it says: "This isn't a dazip file!"


How can I get these mods?

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Just install those manually. They probably have readmes inside the folders that explain where to put files. If you can't find the folders that you're supposed to place files inside (such as the often-absent override folder) simply create them. I'd be happy to help; if you get stuck, message me. Also, backup your DAO install before doing something you're not absolutely certain you can fix if it doesn't work. Edited by Rennn
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The mods you named as not working are Character Creator (CC) mods, so they don't behave the way ones that make in-game changes do. And they'll need the appropriate edits to the chargenmorhpcfg.xml file.


Take a read through this: Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies.


Then feel free to come back and ask about any particular mods that are still giving you trouble. :thumbsup:

Edited by Thandal
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