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EquipItemEx: how to equip duplicate items to both hands?


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Suppose I want to equip a dragon sting dagger, one to the left hand, and the other to the right hand. The player has 2 of the same items in their inventory. Can I simple issue two consecutive EquipItemEx, one to left hand, one to right?



					form FormThatMatches=ExEquipItem(Formulator, ItemNameLength)
					if PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FormThatMatches)
						;this will search for a equipment slot immediately after command content
						;left, right, or both
						;if no equipment slot is found.
						;weapon will be equipped to empty hand.
						;then right hand, then left hand.
						;dual weilding two handed weapons compatibility
						;will attempt to equiq two handed weapons to empty hand, right, then left
						int HandToEquip=GetEquipSlot(CMDParserCounter)
						if HandToEquip==1 || HandToEquip==0
						elseif HandToEquip == 3
							if PlayerREF.GetItemCount(FormThatMatches)>1
						elseif HandToEquip == -1 
						elseif HandToEquip == -99 
							;no equipment slot command detected


or is there some sort of trick I need to do using object references to differentiate the two identical dragonsting daggers?

EDIT: This method does work!

Edited by irswat
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