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Reworked Conjuration


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Basically, i'm thinking a mod that reworks the higher levels of conjuration in a way that will little effect on actual gameplay, but a huge effect on the overall play style of a conjuration mage.


What i'm thinking of


Necromantic changes


Dead Thrall

In a dungeon/quest you can find an item that, when placed in a house, allows for infinite thralls to be placed in the house. The basis for this is that you can amass an army of thralls and choose ones for the situation, without any worry of sudden dead body disappearance.

Thrall skills level as they are used, just like player. Health/magic/stamina scale as you level.

Thralls can be equipped, traded with, and ordered just like a Follower.


Mind Controlling

new spells - Control Being, Forced Loyalty, Total Assimilation.

Control being - This is an apprentice level spell that allows for short term control of any being under 50% health (giants, dragons, dragon preists, etc) under level 20. Life of spell is same as a conjure atronarch.

Forced Loyalty - This is an expert level spell that allows for short term control of any being under 25% health (above exceptions included) and under level 40. Life of spell is twice that of a Conjure Atronarch.

Total Assimilation - Master spell that allows for short term control of any being under 10% regardless of level (same exceptions). Life of spell is permanent. Anyone that falls under this spell is treated like a Follower. They will either A. Go on with their normal life until called for if they own a shop, are a member of a faction and live at the faction home, or is just another normal NPC B. Go to a random home you own, a faction house you are a member of, or be at inns in the major cities if none of the above are available.


The idea of the mind control is to have a non killing way of getting dead thralls and they wont be all moaning all the time, it also wont get the same response as if you had an atronarch or a thrall from NPCs, as they would be seen as just people. Another way of looking at it is that you will be assimilating the entire country on your way to conquest of tamriel.


Bound Changes


When at 100 conjuration, all bound weapons will do double damage to anyone. Added perk that increases bound weapons attack speed and then another 90 conjuration perk that allows for permanent bound until you recast or sheathe.


Atronarch changes


Dual Casting atronarch thralls makes the atronarchs twice as strong.




these are just my ideas for conjuration. Is there a mod out there that does any of this, anyone interested in doing one?

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