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Needs mod - forgot name


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Hey, I've got a problem. Few years ago I was playing with entirely different mods and I used pretty good needs mod, but I forgot the name. I believe it had two letters and then needs word (like XX Needs), but not sure still. I am also pretty sure the same guy had made second mod, which used almost the same HUD style like the needs one, but showing time of the day instead of the needs status. It was a grey clock/dial with multiple clock hands and segments around the dial. I know it is vague, so I waited, but today I found an old screenshot with the dial. It's in the lower left corner.


I hope someone remembers, because I really loved the function that instead of eating the one ingredient it created meals (it picked meat and side and I think maybe even a drink with one key shortcut).


Screenshot on Dropbox https://www.dropbox.com/s/09fm0v22ozrjfsf/needs_mod.jpg?dl=0


Thanks for your time guys and gals :)

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Alright, I found it. I can't believe I was THAT dumb... I always tried to search for "needs mod with clock", which didn't help... Now I finally tried to search another clock mods than Matter of time, and guess what - had it in two minutes.


If anyone wonders, I was looking for Eat and Sleep by kuertee... I always thought it was called KT Needs, but I remembered it from kt_eatandsleep from papyrus or somewhere :-D


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13246/? There it is :-D

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