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Suggest A Mod Perhaps?


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Hi everyone!

Im looing for a few good mods.


I want one to fix the leveling system so when i travel i dont run into constant ogres and minotaurs later on.


Maybe some graphical mods, I have a speedy system!


Some stuff that adds items, shops, NPC's, etc, but no new quests unless their a must.


Anyone have any suggestions? :)

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well how is Oscuros OOO 1.33 mod?


He tweaked the leveling, i wonder if anyone has any comments on how they like it?

You can't go wrong with OOO. It's well worth the huge chunk of space it takes up, as it adds a whole load of new content to the game, and fixes the leveling system. It also adds some visuals into the game, so you might be happy with that. It does however get kind of annoying in conjunction with mods like sunrise treehouse, as the trees are towering in OOO, so the leaves come through the floor=/.

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