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Fallout Miami Need Your Help


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Also, just a few questions about the setting.


Will you guys be taking a lot of anachronistic inspiration/influence from the Good Neighbor Era?




If my oversimplification is right (it's mostly gonna be wrong :mellow:) It's essentially a period where the United Stares tried to improve relationships with it's Latin/Southern Neighbors, hence the name, because they essentially liberated themselves from their Imperial Ties, mostly from Spain and the United States wanted make sure that most of the governments they set up didn't turn Communist or Fascist.


A lot of outdated, but still very cool slices of Americana can be seen in the Pop Culture of the Era especially in cartoons one can, arguably, call propaganda:



I think it would be cool if some of these elements were survived the Great War and gives it the unique Latin/Carribean flavor Miami is known for.


Also shameless plug for inserting some famous "Fallout Era" Songs:


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Hi everyone, please write comments and questions about Falllout 4 on the original Fallout Miami Website at Development Tab. It's easier for me to follow you on one place.

nanneywa0401 Yes, for now I will work at first weapon Cocco Nuke. This weapon will launch nuclear cocco that explode in white cocoa milk that burns victim. Something like plasma weapon effect, but white. :smile:


About the clothing, I am currently working on the new raiders that looks like maniacs from Hotline Miami, and clothing for the new Faction - Nuclear Patriots. Mechanical masks with painted skull (something like punisher )and flames.



Oldskoolepitaph - I will contact you via personal messages. :smile:

Edited by Mika999
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Well, i'm not sure yet i can't answer your last question for now, mod is still WIP, on the ending phase I will optimise game and LOD for this new worldspace.

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Yes, Cuban Pete is also one of the songs on the Miami Wasteland Radio. :-)


Currently we do not need new voice actors, but i will have you on my mind if we need a new one, thx.

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