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Scaver's Powerarmor


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I would like to request someone come up with a suit of power armor that is not military issue. Lots of tools and storage space etc. Something a guy scrounging about the wasteland would kit out to help haul his stuff.


I'm thinking like the raider power armor but with a crane hook (sentry bot legs have the parts in Automatron) or other more Tinker Tom like attachments. I haven't seen any custom power armors that that yet. but the Construction Power armor comes close.


Ideas or comments? There has to be enough resources just in vanilla to scrap together.

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Yes. Maybe also an actual barrel or storage crate welded to your back.

That one would be optimized for carrying capacity and durability, at the expense of protection. Maybe only slightly better than raider power armor in regard of protection, but with a lot more hitpoints. Should not use any aluminium to repair, either, just steel.


You could have upgrades like this:


- Cargo Bag: better carry capacity, no change to protection

- Cargo Crate: even better carry capacity, somewhat better protection, slight malus to agility

- Cargo Barrel: best carry capacity, worse protection, larger malus to agility

- Crane Hook: slight malus to agility, but no other stat changes. Instead, you gain the ability to attach it to cars and drag them back to your settlement (they should yield way more material than they do in vanilla). That would slow you down, though, unless...



- Hydraulic pistons: increase carry weight, increase speed while dragging cars



- Integrated scrapper's toolset: unarmed attacks do fire damage (because of the included blowtorch), and junk items show you E) Take R) Scrap

- Integrated hunter's toolset: unarmed attacks add bleeding, and you gain more loot from animals

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That's some great ideas.
Seeing as cars aren't glued/welded to the ground either, it should be very possible.
Depending on the state of the cars, like if they have wheels or not, should also have a say in how easy they are to pull.

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Well I do enjoy the idea of dragging cars, yeah idea of a scavenger set of armor is still rather good.


I can definitely see this being a combo between the independent construction armor mod, and the enhanced Raiders, raider armor mod.


I for one am always looking to carry more things back to my settlements. Lately I've had to settle for using salvage beacons.

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