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Suddenly invincible


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I've been playing my character for a couple of weeks, with lots and lots of mods running. Now all of a sudden I'm totally invincible - no dungeon critter can even scratch my health. And it's totally no fun. I've been systematically removing mods a few at a time, like my companion, wear all rings, etc. But nothing seems to make any difference to help me remove this curse. It's no fun playing as god.


Do any of you more experienced folks have ideas how I might be able to get back to dying when I should? Greatly appreciate any feedback or suggestions.

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Turn difficulty to full?

This is obviously a bug or glitch, so that will accomplish absolutely nothing.


Wear all rings is a cheat, you should have known the repercussions <__<

Again, a useless bit of info. Cheat does not mean bug. Know what your saying before you say it.


I think you probably downloaded a bugged mod which probably corrupted your save. Try starting a fresh game with no mods to make sure it's not the game itself. Then, begin adding one by one all the mods you installed right before you noticed this problem. That would be the easiest way, because, like I said, your save is probably corrupted.

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Yep sounds like (if it's truly a problem and not a complaint) that your rings' buffs stayed on you after removing them


check your buff page (you know, the icon all the way on the right on the "Magic" tab, and see what it says you have.


unequip everything and see what it says - fight naked and see if you're still 'god'.


If so, again, I'm wagering it was your unlimited rings mod.

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Did you even read his post? I'll copy it down for you:

I've been systematically removing mods a few at a time, like my companion, wear all rings, etc.

He's just using that as an example of a mod he removed. Even still, though, if that mod did cause the bug, my reasoning is still valid: cheat does not mean bug. It would have just been a bad script. Although, even if it was a bad script from that mod, it wouldn't have caused invincibility as I don't know of any ring that does that, unless it was a really bad script.

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If this was an issue of corrupted saves, you wouldn't be able to use the save. Like Obsessed117 said, the culprit is most likely Wear All Rings. Some mods have been poorly put together, and as a result, there are bound to be conflicts with other mods. Of course, some mods have been known to corrupt saves, so Ninja is right...
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If this was an issue of corrupted saves, you wouldn't be able to use the save.

Umm...no. It depends on the corruption. If the corruption extends only to, say, none of the merchants working properly, you can still play, just not sell stuff. It would actually have to be a really bad corruption to make the save completely unplayable. Also, I know for a fact it isn't Wear All Rings. That mod has no bugs, at least none that would corrupt a save. Obsessed117 is completely wrong.

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One of the last things I added was The Oblivion Script Extender, or OBSE.. so I could use a hotkey set. Has anyone heard of that as being problems?


I checked the magic buff tab as suggested - it only shows my 3 birthright and the blessings I got from the Night Mother - all together didn't add up to but about 40 points.


I really do appreciate the brain trust here.. thank you everyone for helping me explore the options. Hate to think of starting over from scratch. (I did one as a test, with only a few mods running, and the guards killed me just fine)

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...the guards killed me just fine

That's nice... :P

I've had OBSE for a long time, and nothing has been wrong. The only invincibility I have is due to my own awesomeness. Do you have the Oblivion Mod Manager? Mods may be conflicting, like rob suggested. I don't know the true extent of conflicts, as I don't encounter many of them, but you should check anyways.

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