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As the title says Valdimar and Gregor won't appear. I already have all the buildable houses (Heljarchen Hall and Windstad Manor almost completely done and only Lakeview Manor all done). The problem is that only Lakeview Manor has a House Carl (Rayya (or something)). And before i forget i don't have Hjerim House Carl either. i searched for something like a glitch or bug (idk) and i only found people with the same problem, so i searched for console commands.


found this: (in my case, XX = 03)

Windstad Manor House Carl: Valdimar (XX00521D);

Heljarchen Hall House Carl: Gregor (XX00521F);

Hjerim House Carl: Calder (000A2C96).


i used: player.moveto #


Valdimar case: i appear inside of Highmoon Hall, but Valdimar ins't anywhere;

Gregor case: i appear inside of The White Hall but exactly the same he's anywhere;

Calder case it says: Item '000A2C96' not found for parameter ObjectReferenceID.


is there some way i could fix this with console commands like: disable/enable


# = NPC Ref

i tried this: disable # and enable # but it says:


Unkown Variable (#) for parameter Integer (Optional)

Compiled script not saved


and i really think that this could solve my problem, but i can't use it just like that. it there some way i could use it?


Thank you for your help.


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