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house not for sale


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Is there dialogue for purchasing stuff for the house?


Yes but I made sure I got my thaneship first as that's the bug people kept thinking I had. the moment I put in that command everything worked perfectly

That command should work in any town you are "standing in" that has a house for sale.

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It's "whelp" not "welp." It means a puppy, or a young one. I love it when people try to be snotty, but can't even spell right.

Thank you for that correction. because Welp means waste of time and allround useless. so I dont see how a topic asking for help would be welp. but whelp I understand

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Getting the house in riften and solitude is seriously bugged. I had to fast travel a number of times just to trigger the final quests to get eligibility, then when those were done, fast travel a few more times to get the houses offered.


On top of that Lydia, my faithful follower and spouse has stopped making me meals since we moved into solitude. I have a feeling she doesn't get on with my other housecarl Jordis. :facepalm:

Two women under one roof. Not good. :wallbash:

Also found Lydia sleeping on the mat in the basement. It's sort of like her "married tag" isn't working properly in solitude, although I still get money from her shop.

Might move back to riften or whiterun and see if that fixes the issues.


Further, my thane title seems to have gone astray in solitude. After I got caught for killing the DB target in the castle I didn't get the option "I'm the Thane" excuse and get let off. I had to bribe the guard to let me off.

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U only get the "im thane" thing once i. Every hold you have thaneship in


That was the first misdemeanor I got caught in solitude for. The option should have appeared, but didn't.


Just one of a million tiny bugs that I've come across a few hundred hours of game play.

Oddly enough I get more bugs in solitude than anywhere else.


It doesn't worry me, more annoying that anything else.

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