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About mods improving graphics


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Hey, I just got onto mods for Skyrim recently and thought I'd try out a mod or two for visual improvement. So far I haven't noticed anything different. I use the Nexus Mod Manager and would like to know if I'm missing something.


I have tried the following mods:

Alternate HQ Water

Antialias and Sharpen Effect

1st Ultimate Graphic Enhancement by ENBSeries

Another FXAA Injector Setting

Lens Flare Effect

Super Realistic Ore Textures (only noticed some differences)


I don't usually use mods so I'd like to know if I've gone wrong somewhere.

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Well, I know that in previous Bethesda games there were always problems with archive invalidation and other such things which cause retextures not to work, but I don't see why the post process injector would fail, since it doesn't affect game files.


Before anything else, go into your Skyrim install folder (Default C:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim, I believe). And make sure all the files are in the right place. I've had some problems with the Nexus mod manager putting my files pretty much wherever it feels like putting them, rather than where they are actually supposed to go.


After that, you should take some before/after screenshots to make sure it's actually not doing anything, and not that you're just not noticing it. I know that sometimes I'll get a texture replacer that doesn't feel like it looks any different, even though it actually does.

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Also try the Xenius character enhancement. It drastically improves the characters' faces. Then there are a couple of HD retextures of landscape and cities.
















These will drastically improve the look. One thing, though. What settings are you playing on? Medium, High, Ultra?? If you are playing on Medium or Low, you're not going to be able to notice much difference, so therefore these mods will be a waste of time.

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Also try the Xenius character enhancement. It drastically improves the characters' faces. Then there are a couple of HD retextures of landscape and cities.
















These will drastically improve the look. One thing, though. What settings are you playing on? Medium, High, Ultra?? If you are playing on Medium or Low, you're not going to be able to notice much difference, so therefore these mods will be a waste of time.


I might give those a try :)

I run the game on max settings. No sense going any lower on an i7 with a gtx580 ;)

I'll let you know how it goes.

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I might give those a try :)

I run the game on max settings. No sense going any lower on an i7 with a gtx580 ;)

I'll let you know how it goes.


Wow, yeah. You won't have any problems then lol. The mods I mentioned will most certainly be a noticeable improvement. I run mine on ultra, except for AA. I get too much lag with AA turned on. And I notice an amazing difference with these mods.

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