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Ridiculous Lag


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Alright friends, so my PC is not the best (Win 7, AMD Radeon HD 6700M Series", 16GB Ram, Intel Core i7-2600S CPU @ 2.80GHz).


But it's been able to run Skyrim okay around 30FPS.


Until the other day when it suddenly dropped to an abysmal FPS (0-3). The game is now unplayable, and I'm really frustrated because I have no idea how to fix it.


Also, it does not matter where I am in the game, it lags. The only thing that doesn't is the main menu, and occasionally, the esc menu (tab menu, and all the others do).

Things I have tried:


- Disabling all mods.

- Running Skyrim at low settings with everything disabled or lowered.

- Deleting and refreshing the ini files.

- Verifying the cache in Steam.

- Reinstalling the game.

- Installing mods and using programs like Skyrim Performance Booster that are supposed to help.


I did manage just today to get it up to maybe 5-10 FPS, but it's still unplayable pretty much. I currently have my game open with just DLC, USLEEP, and SKYUI open on the lowest possible settings and it still took forever to load and is lagging like mad.

Edited by LavenderLight
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1. Disabling your mods or moving them on an active save is not recommended. Skyrim bakes your saves with scripts, and when it tries to access those, it can cause CTDs.

2. If using Win10, go to your start menu, locate your xbox app, navigate to the 3 horizontal bars in the top left. Then find settings and click that. Once inside, navigate to XBOX DVR and shut that off. Even if you aren't using the app it can cause fps loss.

3. I had a similar problem whenever my game would not recognize that I had a menu open and was entering text. For me, primarily it was when I hit the letter B. I ended up having to change a keybinding in my enblocal.ini

When typing a capital 'B', you inadvertently activated ENB's "brute force" mode, which is impossible for most computers to run. I recommend changing the keybind in the enblocal.ini to 0, which will disable it.

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So I'm going to look dumb, but I fixed it by thoroughly deleting every Skyrim file manually, rather than having Steam do it.


I cleaned the inis from Mod Organizer, everything but my saves from Documents, and then all the Steamapps/Common/ files. Then reinstalled Skyrim and it was fixed. Even with all my mods again, including ENB and texture mods, it's working perfectly!

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