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Better Living Through Chems New Vegas


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Yeah, I've got drugs are bad Mkay (the mod) to add visual effects and stuff, I used FNVEdit to add and change the effects to certain items.


Its a snap to mess with leveled lists too, just find the one you want in the list under Fallout.esm - Leveled Items after loading FNVEdit, once you find the leveled lists you want (I assume "LootChemsDrugs") right click on the leveled list in the list and select copy as override into your mod or a new mod (as long as the mod you are overwriting has the new items, AND does not already have a copy of that particular leveled list.

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I have done this, to a degree. The problems with the BLTC port extend far beyond just not adding some of the objects to the world. There is also the problem that there is a lot of Fallout 3 data that is being referenced in the file, which doesn't have any counterpart in New Vegas. The leveled list that are changed are being changed to the Fallout 3 counterparts' values, and that leads to certain things that SHOULD appear NOT appearing, as well.


In general, nearly a full rewrite is in order. I am currently trying to contact the original author and the person who ported it to see if it can be improved and re-uploaded.

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Drugs are bad is a mod that I use in conjuncture with BLTC, great mod for sure.


I can't quite get FNVedit to work like it should. I can't seem to right click on anything. When I do, I get no options for anything. I have the most recent FNVedit. Don't know why that's happening.


Jeoshua- That sounds awesome, but in the meantime I'm just using BLTC for FO3 with Requiem for the capital wasteland and it seems to work flawlessly. I'd just like to figure out now how to merge FO3 items, including BLTC, into NV level lists.

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The biggest thing I've found useful in that reguard is to ignore the Fallout 3 values, and to look at it manually in FNVedit side-by-side with the New Vegas files as your guide. It also helps (and will be possible for you) to compare Fallout3's values with FalloutNV's values first. See what has changed between the two games, and make sure those changes are represented. Then see what the Fallout 3 mod changed vs Fallout 3, and apply those changes and those changes only to the Fallout New Vegas area.


If something was added by New Vegas, keep it added. If it's similar in name/function and the Fallout 3 mod removed it, then remove it in New Vegas as well.


An example, since we're talking about BLTC, is the lockpicks. New Vegas has tiered lockpicking lists. Fallout 3 had ClutterBobbypin. BLTC left it alone, but the BLTC port basically removes the tiered lockpick lists and replaced it with the ClutterBobbypin record. Changes like that will lead to the game not working correctly.


One big problem with BLTC is the scripted objects (cigarettes in general). The script to change them out dynamically never worked correctly in Fallout 3, and it is even MORE broken in Fallout New Vegas. In Fallout 3 it caused the game to hang from time to time when looting a corpse, but in Vegas it causes a straight up crash very often. The only way to change a MISC object to an ALCH safely is to actually change every reference to it, instead of scripting the objects. I did this and there are no more random crashes, but it also means that there must be a compatibility patch for every single mod which adds so much as one cigarette to the game, or you will find unsmokable cigarettes.


Smoking kills.

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Hmm, right clicking on anything in the list in the left does nothing? That is strange.


I'm not sure what the most recent version is, but I have the FNVEdit.exe in my fallout directory (with the fallout.exe).


I don't know exactly how to "fix" it if it's not working, but it is definitely a good investment for in detail editing, or even creating new mods from scratch. With the "copy as new" and "copy as override" functions (as well as the easy editing functionality) FNVEdit has become like a second limb for me.


Worst comes to worst, link me a copy of this mod, (as long as it doesn't have too many masters), along with what you want done, and I'll see what I can do. :D

Edited by adman85
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If right clicking doesn't do anything at all, then it's probably still loading up... patience ;)


After I get my clean-up a bit more mature I'll toss up a link to you in a PM so you can compare it to the one which is on the site. Until I hear from someone, public release is not an option, but private sharing is not against the rules. The mod rules say you can't modify and redistrubute publicly, not that you can't fix and share with other people for the sake of fixing.

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Jeo, you're the man. Could I run your NV cleanup alongside BLTC for Fallout 3? So that the chems are in the Capital Wasteland leveled lists as well. Again, I'm running Requiem. (BLTC for FO3, alongside Requiem, works flawlessly.)



It'd be my pleasure to playtest your version, too.


I think the NV version is C.H.E.M.S dependent as well, but you can only make 1 item, which is Heroin, which seems just plain silly. How could we throw the rest of the chems into the recipe list? Is this possible?


My feller is a meth-cooking, slaver dirt-bag. You could see how this would be of interest to me. :P

Edited by TheUprightMan
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Since the clean up I'm going to make is going to have to be a replacement for the esp, not dependant on the BLTC files as a mod of it. The issues run that deep. And it will be uniquely a New Vegas thing. It will edit different lists. It might be able to run alongside BLTC for FO3...


I'll have to make a third installation for Requiem to test it out once I can. I do have both games now... and it was kind of the reason I wanted New Vegas in the first place, just haven't gotten around to trying it out yet.


I've already thrown out the Heroin crafting, since it doesn't make sense to be able to craft it and yet there are no Opium plants growning freaking anywhere in Vegas. The less requirements the better. I'm also getting rid of the RDX, and explosives, which seem to be from the author's other mods which he tried folding in even tho they're completely unrelated to getting high on drugs.

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Haha. I'd still like to undertake the CHEMS crafting, even if I have to do it myself for personal use. Shouldn't be THAT hard, recipe list mods are everywhere.



Requiem is totally worth the pain in the butt. Unfortunately, the great majority of the files you'll need (The FO3.ESM patcher, for instance) isn't on the main page. I'm working on a FO3 + FONV Mod Compatibility thread, I want to turn it into a WiKi eventually, and then I'll hoist up that file patcher. It's sort of critical, if you try to run Requiem with the files that are just on the page, your game will break. However, with the patcher, I never crash and the game is actually MORE stable than without Requiem installed, fancy that.

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