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WeapForm.GetBaseDamage() type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)


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any idea why the compiler is throwing this error: type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)

			if MatchingWords==LengthOfCMDItem
				if PlayerREF.GetItemCount(tempWeap)>=1
					debug.trace("Efficiency exception detected.")
					;perfect match found


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It could maybe be of help to know which line the error was on. There does not seem to be anything totally wrong in that one. Judging by the wiki examples, it might work a bit like this:

FormList property WeapFormList auto

function DamageTest(int Index)
    Weapon TempWeap = WeapFormList.GetAt(Index) as Weapon
    int TempDamage = TempWeap.GetBaseDamage()
    Debug.MessageBox("WeapList[" + Index + "] = " + TempWeap + " (dmg " + TempDamage +")")

At least according to the GetBaseDamage page I think (in a hurry at the moment, so I might have read something wrong, too. :blush:




Hopefully that helps a bit.

Edited by Contrathetix
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Sorry. Error is on int TempDamage = TempWeap.GetBaseDamage(): type mismatch while assigning to a int (cast missing or types unrelated)


tempWeap is declared as a form. I wonder if something like this would work:

TempDMG=tempWeap as Weapon.GetBaseDamage()


I'll try it after work. thanks guys.

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The issue seems to be with the type of the weapon variable set to Form. I finally got home, and tested it (out of curiosity), and using a "Form TempWeap" instead of "Weapon TempWeap" causes the error when compiling. However I use SublimePapyrus myself so it highlights the missing function GetBaseDamage when I type it in and try to use it on a Form (instead of a Weapon).


As in, this causes an error (obviously, Form does not have that function):

Form TempWeapon = WeaponList.GetAt(Index) ; <-- GetAt returns a Form
int TempDamage = TempWeap.GetBaseDamage() ; <-- Form Script has no "GetBaseDamage" function

This one also causes an error (missing cast, GetAt returns a Form):

Weapon TempWeapon = WeapList.GetAt(Index) ; <-- GetAt returns a Form

However this works fine:

Form TempWeapon = WeaponList.GetAt(Index) ; <-- getAt returns a Form
int TempDamage = (TempWeap as Weapon).GetBaseDamage() ; <-- calling GetBaseDamage on Weapon (the cast result)

And this one also works fine:

Weapon TempWeapon = WeaponList.GetAt(Index) as Weapon ; <-- get the Form as a Weapon straight away
int TempDamage = TempWeapon.GetBaseDamage() ; <-- TempWeapon is already a Weapon

If you want to do lots and lots of Papyrus scripting, and use Sublime Text as your text editor (I use Sublime Text 3), SublimePapyrus by mrpwn is a great utility. Definitely recommended. It checks your scripts on the fly, offers all sorts of completions when typing and also offers the ability to import sources from here and there. Definitely invaluable, and actually makes scripting fun, too. Here --> http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60810


Hopefully that helps a bit. :thumbsup:


Edit: Still cannot type... :facepalm:

Edited by Contrathetix
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