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Some help with modding/getting things set up, what I need to do & download, etc.


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Hi all.


Sorry if this question has been addressed already. Couldn't find much when I searched.


Anyway, I haven't played Skyrim since the special edition one came out, and I'd like to try it. Before the new Skyrim came out, I was using Mod Organizer, LOOT, Wrye Bash, SKSE, etc., etc., etc. Basically, I had everything set up per this page: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/beginners_guide and I was running about 120 mods, with some of the plugins merged, making it 78 plugins.


Now I have no idea what to do. I have to start over but I don't even know where to begin. Is there another guide like the one I linked? Do I need another mod manager? Will Mod Organizer work? Will my old mods work? Questions, questions, questions...


If someone could point me to some articles or another guide like the one linked...or anything!...I'd be so grateful.



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you mean legendary skyrim? the Special edition skyrim has only been out Sense October 28th of this year



Anyhow skse team is working on skse64 bit as we speak


And you have to enable mods in the C:\Users\User\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition in the SkyrimPrefs ini file under at the very bottom [Launcher] at bEnableFileSelection=1


mine looks like this


sD3DDevice="AMD Radeon R7 200 Series"
there's a SSEEdit by ElminsterAU and SSEEdit team for the game to clean the update and dlc masters
And there's a fan edit or reddit tutorial on how to edit out the skse error message for SkyUI - Ported Version 2.2 -Removed Warrning
this youtube video has a fan edit of SkyUI - Ported Version 2.2 -Removed Warrning in a dropbox link
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That helps. But I was hoping there was some sort of how-to guide that has step-by-step instruction on setting up your game to use mods. Like the link I posted. I was looking for something similar that explains things for the new Skyrim. I have no idea if the mods I'm using work, if I still need SKSE, if Mod Manager is something I can still use, do I need to use the ENB boost, do I need to make changes to ini files.


Again, what I'm really looking for is a step-by-step guide.


Again, thanks for any help anyone can give me! :D

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  On 11/18/2016 at 3:16 AM, on2wheels said:

Can you tell me why I still can't see mods in game, even when I've done the bEnableFileSelection=1 flag.


when the game is fully launched there should be a mod menu on the right, click it and then enable mods with a check mark in front of each mod , keyboard and mouse users should probably use the e key, xbox 360 for windows A button



thumbnail preview for nexusmods doesn't work on Bethesda mod menu and only Bethesda.net mods thumbnail preview well probably only work







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