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game crash with strange script path


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My FO4 randomly crashes but its always the same thing written in to the papyrus log.





This and others of its ilk seem to be causing the problem. Any idea which mod its from?


No. I don't have a user called Samson on my pc


Any help would be appreciated

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My FO4 randomly crashes but its always the same thing written in to the papyrus log.





This and others of its ilk seem to be causing the problem. Any idea which mod its from?


No. I don't have a user called Samson on my pc


Any help would be appreciated

On my system setup, the file in question is a vanilla file here is my location.

(H:\1Valve Resources\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\games\Data\Scripts\Source\Base)


Note: there is a companion file that goes with it too. (H:\1Valve Resources\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Source\Scripts\RadioFailsafeScript.pex)


These two work together, if your experiencing issues with default scripts? you may have an override script installed overriding these.


Written incorrectly and being so, invalidate the code running. IF not? install a codec pack fitted for your operating system.


windows search of the files and use the windows file locator right click on file, location selection will take you to the files location.


If you find one out side of default range? as in my post indicates, delete it, default scripts should run the game fine.

IF there are none found, codec issues are the results, these files are not finding the code they are targeting.



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