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Eating from plates


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Please don't hurt me if there is a mod in plain sight, I really searched for this for a while.


Did anybody make a mod so your character can eat directly from a plate or shelf or wherever food might be laying around? Because sometimes a nice table looks reeaaally appetizing and I use an eating mod where I need to eat a certain amount of food. But it isn't very appetizing anymore if I have to take the food, put it in my inventory and eat from there.


Would also be nice, If one could eat this way from a plate in an inn or anywhere else (like: eating is never a crime, as long as you don't take it with you). I am aware that food still can belong to another person, but if you visit someone in their house, they would offer you a snack anyway.


I guess it might be possible, because when you use the beer inebriation mod, you are prompted to use or take a bottle you click on. I bet, one could do that or something similar for foods. Right?


If it's already done and I just didn't find it, please point me to it, okay? Thanks!

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Please don't hurt me if there is a mod in plain sight, I really searched for this for a while.


Did anybody make a mod so your character can eat directly from a plate or shelf or wherever food might be laying around? Because sometimes a nice table looks reeaaally appetizing and I use an eating mod where I need to eat a certain amount of food. But it isn't very appetizing anymore if I have to take the food, put it in my inventory and eat from there.


Would also be nice, If one could eat this way from a plate in an inn or anywhere else (like: eating is never a crime, as long as you don't take it with you). I am aware that food still can belong to another person, but if you visit someone in their house, they would offer you a snack anyway.


I guess it might be possible, because when you use the beer inebriation mod, you are prompted to use or take a bottle you click on. I bet, one could do that or something similar for foods. Right?


If it's already done and I just didn't find it, please point me to it, okay? Thanks!

I like the idea .... I'm wondering how this would be scripted.... is there an animation for eating?

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There is an animation for eating - NPC's use it. But it looks kind of funny, because they have nothing in their hands.

Anyway, I don't even need an animation. What's the point, when I can't even see it what with looking at my character's lovely backside. ;)


What I was thinking was to simply grab a piece of food, then there would be the need for a dialog asking take or eat and the little crunchy noise you get when you eat from your inventory. Simple as that.


It's really just a little thing, but it bothers the hell out of me, that I can't eat sitting at a dining table.


But I can see how it might get annoying to have that dialog, when you want to pick up several food items for storage. I guess the best solution would be to use a designated (or better yet: selectable) toggle key. Instead of the dialog. Like, you press 'e' for eat and activate the food and no key for taking it like usual.


I guess it's easily doable, if one knows anything about modding *hinthint*.

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Is there really no one how can do this?


If I could do it myself... but I'm already in a state of despair when I open the CS because I fail to understand why I can't simply open a file and learn something by looking at it. I get 99% content I'm not interested in and most of the time don't find the 1%, which is the ACTUAL file I tried to open. The help Wiki is of no use because it seems to require previous knowledge which I don't have. :confused:


So... please? :unsure:

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I can't really think how one could do this

If one could do it with bottles of beer and wine etc. why not with food?


Thanks for the links, but that's what I already looked at. The tutorials start from: 'what you can do with a file... ' but I can't really begin learning from point B, I need to start at the very beginning. Meaning, I still don't know how to open a file with CS. If I try to directly open it, the CS crashes on me. If I open CS and choose a plugin to open, it opens the whole oblivion.esm and, as I said, most of the times I do that, I can't find the file I'm looking for. The most 'complicated' thing I did was search some vanilla items and made little edits. But even that didn't work every time. And when I try to open mods, that are not clothes or other items which fit in any of the categories, because they are not items, but actually DO something, they don't show up anywhere. So how am I supposed to open the beer mod and see if I could apply that to food?


I am sorry if I seem stupid, but obviously I lack a basic understanding of the CS, plus I am not a native speaker. :confused:

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I had no idea you could do it with bottles. I actually really like this idea, and if you could point the beer mod to me, I'd definitely take a look... I can't imagine being able to do it with drinks and not food.


As far as opening files go, you need to load Oblivion.esm each time, but you can see what an individual mod alters by selecting the mod in file/data and clicking "Details" for a full list of things altered.

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Yes I was about to add if it hadn't been already, that in the inhebriation mod, you can "pick up" or "have a drink".


This would be the same scripting type, only applied to food articles instead of bottles. Perhaps you could message the creator of that mod and ask if he'd be willing to do this for food or at least explain how to do the scripting if you're wanting to try and do it yourself.

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Yes, that's the beer inrebriation. Here's the mod I have: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14393


But in post #3 there are more thoughts about the dialog.




>>I had no idea you could do it with bottles.<<


I said that in the first posting.


>>As far as opening files go, you need to load Oblivion.esm each time, but you can see what an individual mod alters by selecting the mod in file/data and clicking "Details" for a full list of things altered.<<


Um... I think I clicked on everything there is to click, so yeah I tried the details button as well. But that was gibberish to me. I've made some little mods for a number of games, but this completely eludes me, so I better leave that to the people who are good at it. :)

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I said that in the first posting.

I guess I wasn't paying attention... Sorry...


Um... I think I clicked on everything there is to click, so yeah I tried the details button as well. But that was gibberish to me. I've made some little mods for a number of games, but this completely eludes me, so I better leave that to the people who are good at it.
To clarify a bit on the details window, if it helps, on the left is the type of thing it is, (SCPT means script, ACTI means activator, WEAP means weapon, and so on. For these purposes you can skip past the REFR ones, since they're just moving around or placing existing objects in the world) and in the middle is the name of the object altered so you know where to look. (For scripts in particular, you can look under gameplay/edit scripts)


If it's the inebiration mod, I'm sort of worried that it only adds the inebiration effect as opposed to the full effect of drinking it normally, but I'll definitely take a look when I have time.

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