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No more "[NPC] is too powerful for [spell]"


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Hi guys, just a quick one.


I think there should be a mod that removes the annoying message saying that an NPC is too powerful for a spell, such as Pacify and Hysteria. There is already a mod which removes this for Dead Thrall and I think it would be a good idea to have this for any spell that causes the "too powerful" message to appear.


What I would suggest is that it is only implemented on Master spells, so it only works when you master a school of magic. I think when you reach 100 in any magic school, you should be a 'true' master and be able to cast spells from that school on anybody (unless of course they're resistant/immune to it). At level 55, I am certainly more powerful than any town guard and should be able to, for example, put my mastery of illusion to use and scare him away, or calm him down!


If this has already been done, as I suspect it may have been, I'd really appreciate it if I was pointed in the right direction.. I've scoured through the mods in skyrim nexus for what feels like hours to no avail!


Thanks! :thumbsup:

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