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Learned enchantments missing


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So I've searched and searched for an answer to this question, and haven't found anything about it, anywhere. I've learned Fortify Light Armor, Fortify Health, and Fortify Conjuration through disenchanting items I've bought from merchants. I got my enchanting to 100, so I went to enchant a set of armor and these three are missing from my list of available enchantments, whether I have an item selected or not.

I thought I might have simply put the items in storage somewhere instead of actually disenchanting them, so I looked, couldn't find them. Spawned a few armor pieces with the missing enchantments because I was tired of looking for the armor thinking it was in storage, and the disenchantment menu says they're already learned. I didn't have this problem on my previous playthrough, and I have all the same mods installed that I did previously.


Mod list isn't very long.


All three DLC's

Immersive and Customizable Castle Volkihar
The Dark Brotherhood Resurrection Part 1 - Better Dark Brotherhood

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch


I've tried disabling the Dark Brotherhood and the Patch mods. About to try disabling those + the Castle Volkihar mod just to check and see if for some wacky reason that might be the issue but I can't see how it would be.

Edited by iDkline
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Ensure your load order for your mods is:








TDBR part 1 - BDB


USLEEP should go right after your DLC files. See if that helps. Keep in mind, whenever you disable or move a mod on an active save, it can cause intermittent CTDs when skyrim tries to activate those scripts and they aren't where they should be. Just load back before you uninstalled them and you should be fine. When testing mods, you should try them on a new save.

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Thanks! This fixed my issue, but for anyone else reading this topic with the same problem; I wound up going and buying another Fortify Light Armor (Squire) item and checked to see if one straight from a merchant would work, and it didn't. I changed the load order (as @snelss0 suggested), opened the game, reloaded the save and it was lit up for me to disenchant.


Thanks again for the help, cheers!

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