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Weird FPS drop outside


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Load order:


  • GameMode=SkyrimSE


  • Skyrim.esm=1
  • Update.esm=1
  • Dawnguard.esm=1
  • Hearthfires.esm=1
  • Dragonborn.esm=1
  • Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp=1
  • Cutting Room Floor.esp=1
  • InigoPerkPointGiver.esp=1
  • MLU.esp=1
  • Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp=1
  • Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp=1
  • WeightLessTrueAll.esp=1
  • dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp=1
  • UnreadBooksGlow.esp=1
  • RDO - CRF + USSEP Patch.esp=1
  • RDO - USSEP Patch.esp=0
  • RealisticWaterTwo.esp=1
  • Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp=1
  • SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp=1
  • Immersive Patrols II.esp=1
  • Eli_Halla.esp=1
  • Vivid WeathersSE.esp=1
  • Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp=1
  • The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp=1
  • BarenziahQuestMarkers.esp=1
  • VioLens SE.esp=1
  • VioLens SE - Book Menu.esp=1


Computer Specs:

  • OS: Windows 10 64bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i7 6700k @4.00GHz
  • RAM: 16.0GB (16-18-18-38)
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (Gigabyte xtreme gaming edition [OC])
  • Storage: SSD


All settings are base besides:


fGamma=.1.0000 which is lower than base


iMaxDesired=6000 which is about 6 times more than base but what vivid weathers called for in readme.


  • All basic skyrim settings are at maximum as the program set them.
  • No ENB is used.
  • All mods are sorted by Loot and DLC files were all cleaned.
  • I disabled Vivid weathers temporarily in an attempt to check if it was the problem, oddly it wasn't.
  • I turned down to minimum the shadow quality and shadow distance and that seemed to help a little, but still struggled to stay above 40 FPS.



Game typically runs at 30 FPS outside and fluctuates heavily. The 60FPS when looking upwards. Near 60 FPS when moving into a wall as close as I can get, but when it has to render distance, it drops way further than I believe my computer should be dropping, correct me if I'm wrong.

All interior cells seem to be fine in terms of fps, I don't think I've seen any drops what so ever.


Any insight would be amazing, thank you in advance.

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First of all thank you for thinking ahead and giving all the information needed.


Now you mentioned that it occures only outdoors looking at the distance etc. So My question is: Does it also happen indoors? Or if you're inside it runs smoothly?


Also I see you have GTX 1080 (GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE!) so maybe this solution might help?


I hope it does. In case it still doesn't, just try see which V-Sync\Vertical Refresh Rate does you harm: The game's or your GPU driver.

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First of all thank you for thinking ahead and giving all the information needed.


Now you mentioned that it occures only outdoors looking at the distance etc. So My question is: Does it also happen indoors? Or if you're inside it runs smoothly?


Also I see you have GTX 1080 (GLORIOUS PC MASTER RACE!) so maybe this solution might help?


I hope it does. In case it still doesn't, just try see which V-Sync\Vertical Refresh Rate does you harm: The game's or your GPU driver.

I tried the solution, didn't touch the performance at all seemingly. I had actually changed these settings (Bar the frame limiter though that doesn't matter much to my knowledge) and produced the same outcome. The problem persists. Also inside the framerate is a flawless 60 fps. Seems to be that way for fairly large cells as well.




There is also some well documented information about the most recent Nvidia drivers being broken and causing low FPS especially with the 1000 series, but I'm not sure if that has been update in the last couple of days.

Last update was on 11/14. I am going through the process of that guide. Will edit to post results in a moment.


Tried it, still holding around 30-35 fps. Occasionally 40-45. I may submit a bug report to bethesda and or nvidia once I attempt to try doing a fresh install and see if it persists on vanilla (god help me)

Edited by girshootslasers
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I tried the solution, didn't touch the performance at all seemingly. I had actually changed these settings (Bar the frame limiter though that doesn't matter much to my knowledge) and produced the same outcome. The problem persists. Also inside the framerate is a flawless 60 fps. Seems to be that way for fairly large cells as well.



Well that is what I call progress. It seems, like you say, the drop occurs only outside (Skyrim, Solstheim) but runs smooth in closed places and large cells (for example: big halls, Apocrypha, Soul Cairn etc.).


You also said that you tweaked like you saw on the guides, and the performance still remains with low FPS.


I know this is gonna sound really weird, but I have a suggestion: Try to shut-off all your Nvidia's settings, and turn to maximum all the ones in your game settings. In case it still remains with low FPS, try to do the opposite (try turning off all the settings of the game and on with all NVidia's ones),


Keep us posted anyway so we would be aware of what happens next.

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Something that might help is for you to check out your CPU and GPU load while you are playing. Try using these programs and following this guide: http://www.overclock.net/t/1229915/how-to-cpu-and-gpu-usage-along-with-fps-in-game


I know your system should easily be able to handle it, but if your CPU and GPU / VRAM usage is being capped or messed with in any way this will allow you to at least know where to look if it is indeed the issue. OP, download the most recent Nvidia drivers released on the 17th, I believe they may fix your issue as they solved the VRAM limiting problem.

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Something that might help is for you to check out your CPU and GPU load while you are playing. Try using these programs and following this guide: http://www.overclock.net/t/1229915/how-to-cpu-and-gpu-usage-along-with-fps-in-game


I know your system should easily be able to handle it, but if your CPU and GPU / VRAM usage is being capped or messed with in any way this will allow you to at least know where to look if it is indeed the issue. OP, download the most recent Nvidia drivers released on the 17th, I believe they may fix your issue as they solved the VRAM limiting problem.

Actually did this. In vanilla skyrim before was 33.5 average over 1 minute of playing. Then after update average 59.5. GG Nvidia. Thanks for the suggestions guys.

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There is also some well documented information about the most recent Nvidia drivers being broken and causing low FPS especially with the 1000 series, but I'm not sure if that has been update in the last couple of days.




That NVIDIA 375.86 driver halved my frame rate across the board. Idle and in-game clock cores were wrong, my temps were 5oc higher and the game performance was terrible, never seen anything quite like it, rubbish driver. Changing in-game settings didnt make a difference to fps either, I tried lowering the godrays setting, shadows anything that could tax the system, including del, ins, home, f10, f11 toggle on and off with the reshade+ENB, no change..


Downloaded the 375.95 hotfix driver a day ago and I'm sort of back on track. I also Increased the frame limit from 60 to 105 with NVIDIA Inspector (100 ingame cap) capping my frames to 60 was causing me problems :o, often dropping to 35-40 frames randomly with loads of game stutter when travelling around on foot, cities mostly fine, Dawnstar/Winterhold problematic. Now all I need to do is figure out the best settings for a 144hz Gsync monitor, still experiencing these occasional game stutters, mostly happens when drawing a weapon or in combat.

Edited by Guest
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That NVIDIA 375.86 driver halved my frame rate across the board. Idle and in-game clock cores were wrong, my temps were 5oc higher and the game performance was terrible, never seen anything quite like it, rubbish driver. Changing in-game settings didnt make a difference to fps either, I tried lowering the godrays setting, shadows anything that could tax the system, including del, ins, home, f10, f11 toggle on and off with the reshade+ENB, no change..


Downloaded the 375.95 hotfix driver a day ago and I'm sort of back on track. I also Increased the frame limit from 60 to 105 with NVIDIA Inspector (100 ingame cap) capping my frames to 60 was causing me problems :o, often dropping to 35-40 frames randomly with loads of game stutter when travelling around on foot, cities mostly fine, Dawnstar/Winterhold problematic. Now all I need to do is figure out the best settings for a 144hz Gsync monitor, still experiencing these occasional game stutters, mostly happens when drawing a weapon or in combat.



Well keep us posted. I'm glad to hear that at least it solved some of the issues. I too have confusing issues with random FPS drops. But in my case it's never in certain spots; It's always in random non-consistent places (sometimes through the woods, sometimes in snow, and if you go the same place twice the second time would be fine). So... it's a work in progress.

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