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CTD upon entering Dragonsreach


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Every time I attempt to enter Dragonsreach, my game crashes to the desktop. I just started this playthrough a couple hours ago, so this is my first time entering Dragonsreach with this load order, but every other location I've entered hasn't been an issue. The first time after my game crashed, I rebooted it and attempted to reload the auto save of when I entered Dragonsreach, but the game prompted me with a warning stating: "Warning: SKSE memory fix is not active on your game! Make sure Data/SKSE/SKSE.ini has DefaultHelpInitialAlloc=768 or higher under [Memory]..." etc. I attempted to locate SKSE.ini, but it was not located in the location described in the warning message and I've yet to find it. However, I downloaded Skyrim Startup Memory Editor and I no longer get the message, but I still get the CTD upon entering Dragonsreach. I'm really not sure what to try next. I'd really appreciate the help. I've included my load order below, thanks in advance for any help.



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if the SKSE.ini is not there you gota create it by yourself:
create Skyrim/Data/SKSE/SKSE.ini (rename a .txt to .ini)

and write the following in it:


also you can give CrashFixPlugin a try! its good go get it
Edited by Bolzenschuss
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if the SKSE.ini is not there you gota create it by yourself:

create Skyrim/Data/SKSE/SKSE.ini (rename a .txt to .ini)


and write the following in it:




also you can give CrashFixPlugin a try! its good go get it


Yep, tried all this, still nothing. Has this not happened to anyone else? I'm really having trouble here.

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