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[LE] How to remove a hood


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I just wanted to know if anyone can give me some advice on this, I want to use the shoulder cape that comes with the hooded mage robes. Problem is I can't find a way of removing the hood in the creation kit. Is this something that would need to be done with a 3rd party program & if so which one?


Thanks in advance.

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There's no easy way to do this.


A) Look at the item in Creation Kit under Object Window->Items->Armor. Open the Armor. Look for "World Model". It should read something like "Clothes/MageApprentice/MageAppRobes.nif"

B) Use nifskope to open the bsa-archive of skyrim and export said file (you can also extract the files using BSA-Extractor or ModOrganizer if you've installed it). Most likely there's a _0 and a _1 Version of said file. Extract both. Apply the following steps to both of them.

C) With a little luck, the hood is a seperate mesh. In that case you can delete it in Nifskope and hope it still works. Otherwise you'd need 3dsmax or blender, to cut it out. (if you haven't used these before, it's perhaps best to ask someone who knows these allready. It should not be much work for them, but it's a steep step to learn the programs in the first place).

D) Save the changed file(s) under Skyrims data folder, under "/data/meshes/myMod/Clothes/MageApprentice/MageAppRobes.nif" (Create directories as needed. You can use any other name/directory past that. Important thing is: it's in "meshes", and it's not the exact path/name as the original robe, or all robes of said type will use the new model)

E) Restart CK. Create a new item in CK, that looks like the item one under A) but uses your new path/file for the "World Model".

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  • 9 months later...

So the cloak armor has an armor addon referenced in the Creation Kit. In the Armor Addon, deselect Hair, Hairlong, Ears, and so on. Whatever is selected is what will be made invisible.


Yeah, that's what I thought as well. When I removed the hair slots on the armor addon, nothing happens, hair is still not showing. If I remove the hair slots on the armor as well, the whole thing (i.e. cloak and hood) becomes invisible.

Edited by TheCruxis
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