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Skyrim SE - Crashing in Falkreath Hold - What sould I do?


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1. Your USSEP needs to be above Travelers of Skyrim.esm
2. Alternate start should be the last mod activated. It should be at the very bottom of your load list.
3. My general load order is, and something you can keep for future reference when installing mods is:

Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
[Other ESMs]
[Hi Res DLC]
SKSE Scripts (make sure these are properly installed and if you don't have it, you better get it.)
[Any mods that are utilities] (Bug fixes, safety load, better messagebox controls,...)
[All other ESPs]
[Custom Body Meshes]
[Custom Body Textures]
[Mods that don't overwrite SMIM]
Static Mesh Improvement Mod
[Mods that overwrite SMIM]
[Custom Skeleton](Xp32mse,...)
Alternate Start
Bashed Patch
Dual Sheath Patch
RSPatch (Last almost always)


Now eventually SKSE might come out for SSE, and then all these mods will become available, so just keep this load order in mind when installing them. I am not sure what mod program you are using, or if you are on a console, but if you are using mod organizer, make sure your left pane matches your right pane.

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