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Polymorph self, modding


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Greetings, I hope this is the correct section to post this. And that whoever answers to this has a lot of patience, because I am completely new to the TES Construction Set, I just began yesterday night.


You see, I have downloaded this mod: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5814#content


I got it to work properly, and even reskined and modified the stats of the wolf creature, which was my objective. Play as a wolf.


As far as I know this mod turns the player invisible and spawns a creature of choice in front, which is controlled by the WASD, C and Mouse. The creatures are sepparate from the vanilla ones, that is how I managed to mod them without destroying the main file.


I run into this problem though, that so far I couldnt solve myself: Whenever I make the creature attack or cast a spell at the air, (meaning I am not aiming/hitting anything or anyone), or even if I attack enemy creatures or bandits, All the NPCs get alerted and begin attacking the creature, specially the guards (they even work together with the bandits and enemy creatures).


I so far, added the creature to playerfaction, and even looked at some of the companion mods around to see if there were any special settings in them so that they could attack freely and not have all the NPCs of tamriel wanting to kill them. Couldnt find a thing.


Any ideas as to what I should do to get this working? I tried some Faction combinations, tweaked the creature's stats, made them essential and other things, but the effects are the same.




By checking "Quest Item" and "Can Check Corpse", the city guards and NPCs stopped to turn hostile, however the Imperial Legion continues so, and I had a curious scene in which the Imperial Watch turned hostile and several NPCs turned hostile to the Imperial Watch, interestingly enough the Assault bounty from the NPCs to the Imperial Watch fell on me. Fun, but still not what I was looking for.

Edited by LucanRaven
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