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Where is the texture of these gloves?(in database)


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As I wrote- I can't find anywhere those gloves texture in extracted database folders (fur gloves, on beginning game). Where can I find it?





Thanks for all answers!



Edited by vandrerer
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If you're willing to go on a small adventure... Bring up the screen you have listed there, then open the console and click on the gloves. Note the Item ID that pops up then close Skyrim. Open Skyrim.esm in SkyEdit (I believe it's search function is working) and search for that ID. Find the name of the mesh for that model under it's entry in the master file. Close SkyEdit and open the meshes.bsa archive in a BSA browser of your choice and extract the mesh you're looking for to a temporary location. Finally, open your extracted mesh in NifSkope and click on the NiTriShapes data block(s). Under these blocks there's information stored on where the texture files are located, this information should be in the pane at the bottom of NifSkope's work space, and may be under another sub-block so expand those if you don't see it initially. This will tell you the exact texture(s) you're looking for.
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