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open 2 state activator with terminal using papyrus fragments


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Is there anything else you need that script on the door itself for, outherwise it might be best to remove it form the door in your cell (not the base object)
The only other thing I can think of whitch you probably have already done but just in case, have you setup your ini files for modding specificly the
and bInvalidateOlderFiles=1

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The terminal script should work. What is the editor ID for the door you're trying to use.

Edit: I just ran a quick test on a standard wooden door(ID: BldWoodPDoor02) using a terminal(holotape) and it works for me so mybe the door you're using behaves differently.

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In essense yes

The Fragment I used for the terminal is this:

If IsOpen.GetValueInt() == 0
ElseIf IsOpen.GetValueInt() == 1

I made a terminal, added a menu item Open/Close, added two properties to the script one for the door (ObjectReference) and one for a global variable that acts as a toggle in a slight variation on the script I posted earlier. Then I made that globalvariable (default 0) and filled the properties for both the door and the globalvariable. Then I made a holotape to use the terminal and tested it in game.
Here is the test esp i made and source scripts the doors are in LRTestCell and the holotape is called TestTape.

Edited by LoneRaptor
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