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Gatling Laser Texture Problems


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So I finally, finally got my hands on a Gatling Laser after smoking a couple Overlords for their's. Much to my surprise, though, is that while it looked fine in their hands, it looks hideous in mine. There's definitely some sort of texture problem going on. I'm using EVE, plus Paradox Ignition's merger of EVE, and Fallout Remastered with its EVE patch. FO3edit says that EVE.esm is the only active plugin that even touches upon the Gatling Laser.





Anyone recognize the problem? I checked out the texture files themselves, and they look fine--the same texture seen in EVE's screen shots: http://static.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/8340-2-1249739448.jpg

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RuaDragonheart - Hello!


I don't use EVE so I can only give some bug tracking advice.


Is it just that one weapon?


That could happen with not taking care of archive invalidation but it would affect all the textures in the mod.


For archive invalidation either download & activate:


ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated




Or, if you use FOMM click on Toggle Invalidation on the right.


For "New" FOMM you have to go to the buttons at the top & select:


Tools - Archive Invalidation




If it's just that one weapon, it points to an incorrect texture path or missing texture.


Make sure the textures for that weapon are placed correctly in your Fallout 3 - Data - Textures folder.


Check the original download of the mod to see where they should be.


You say you've checked FO3Edit? EVE.esm is the only mod touching the weapon so check what pathes & names it has for the weapon's texture & make sure they match where the textures are in your Data folders.


The slightest difference in the name of the texture in your folder & the name reffered to will cause the texture not to be used.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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