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Immersion Mods


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I hope to do some of these myself. I've never modded a TES game before (only Total War), but I'm a game designer by trade, so I'm looking to expand my skillset while making Skyrim more immersive for my own experience. The genre I work in (sports) doesn't allow a ton of creativity beyond making complex fiscal issues (salary caps, free agency) simple enough for a layman to handle. I'll never get to everything I want to do (nor do I have the disciplines necessary to do much of what I'd like), so I'm hoping maybe someone will be inspired to do a few of these.




* A "single life" character death replacement. I've always hated the lack of immersion in the death system. I die, but yet I just reload and voila! I'm right back where I was. I'd like to replace "death" with something else. Imagine if you will, you enter a cavern and are killed by a gang of bandits. Rather than simply reloading at the entrance, you awaken, perhaps days later, in a cage, stripped of your belongings, on a cart bound for Gods know where, having been sold into slavery. Just one possibility. This would likely start small, having you simply wake in a sneaking position where you were left, stripped of your cash and down (permanently) 10 Health.


* "basic needs" I'm sure someone's worked on this. I've never been totally happy with the ones I've seen. I'd like to see some stamina/health consequences for going without food/water/sleep over a long period of time. This would also include portable bedrolls and camp fires for cooking, and, hopefully, random encounters while sleeping (as well as the ability to 'set watch' when travelling with a companion).


* Reworking economy and equipment. Why do so many bandits have such outstanding armor? Why is it I can put an axe through a guy's chest, but the armor I just pierced is worth just as much as if I made it from scratch. I want to rework the economy and the equipment found to make survival more of a struggle... something to push you to pick up those extra quests just to stay fed and keep a roof over your head. Homes should have upkeep (by the same token, paying said upkeep should replenish food in that home).


* Immersive Inns. There is no reason to drink. There are plenty of wonderful spirits available in the game, but no reason to make use of them, nor any real consequence. Time spent an Inn should be at least purposeful. The wait option here would become a sort of "socialize" option. This is how you'd pick up the quests from the innkeep. Rather than simply asking for work, you'd have to mingle, have a few drinks, to pick it up. It would face like a normal wait option, but gold would be lost, you'd be made drunk, and you'd hear rumors and such. There are probably better ways to present this, rather than just waiting, but it'd be fun to have the inns actually be a center of social activity.


* Fast Travel random encounters. Personally, I'd eliminate fast travel except through the use of the Carters at each city (which I'd rather work like they do in Red Dead Redemption, but that seems a bit overzealous for a modding project). However, I'd like to see those wagons attacked by bandits now and then.


* Injuries and recovery- If I lose a massive amount of blood, I should be hold up in an inn for a good month... assuming I get a healing potion and stop the bleeding on time. Perhaps bandages and wraps to help with that sort of thing. I'd like to see injuries that you must recover from, forcing you to put money into these things.


* Slower healing from potions- Potion use shouldn't be instant. It should heal over time. It's too much of a fix-all during combat as it is.



Anyways, I'll add to this. There's a lot more I've made notes on. In time, I'll post these in GDD form so a detailed formulation of the system is available, but I want to get a much closer look at the construction set before I do that. Get an idea what's possible and what's simply too daunting and I need to scale back.

Edited by adembroski
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I hope to do some of these myself. I've never modded a TES game before (only Total War),



I just couldn't leave this. Total War is not a TES game O.o


I like your ideas though, so, yeah. Go for it ^_^


Also, 'basic needs' makes me wonder why it was left out of Skyrim (especially after New Vegas). Kinda seems like a step back :/

Edited by TheReverendTholomewPlague
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* Slower healing from potions- Potion use shouldn't be instant. It should heal over time. It's too much of a fix-all during combat as it is.



i can do this one just pm and give me some details of what exatly u want instead

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I hope to do some of these myself. I've never modded a TES game before (only Total War),



I just couldn't leave this. Total War is not a TES game O.o


Umm... yeah, I know. That's why I said I've "never" modded a TES game. I have modded Total War. I was making the point that while I do know what I'm getting into, I'm not experienced modding TES. There for, while I'm not new to the modding game, I'm not sure what kind of limitations we have with Bethesda.


I like your ideas though, so, yeah. Go for it ^_^


Also, 'basic needs' makes me wonder why it was left out of Skyrim (especially after New Vegas). Kinda seems like a step back :/


Ugh, tell me about it. I guess it was because Obsidian made New Vegas.

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* Slower healing from potions- Potion use shouldn't be instant. It should heal over time. It's too much of a fix-all during combat as it is.



i can do this one just pm and give me some details of what exatly u want instead


Sent... curious, is it possible to add console commands, or at least user-defined variables? I'd love to have the time it takes to allocate all of the health be adjustable. I think if this were included in a needs mod, we could build a dialogue system into an object to allow the user to adjust things. Not assuming your help on a wider range of things, just asking for my own benefit going forward.

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please do it :thumbsup:


Umm... which?


The very first one I'll be doing is the economic rebalance. Essentially changing item values, adding items to represent more "worn" versions of the existing ones, reducing the amount of coin that's generated, things along those lines. The idea is that a suit of heavy armor should be damned expensive... and the economy shouldn't be such that "damned expensive" means "a few extra hours of grinding" but a concerted effort to make and save enough to buy that armor.


Of course, in the end, it'll work best alongside a combat rebalance mod that gives heavy armor it's due value in combat (along with its drawbacks, of course). Heavy armor isn't the be all-end all of this idea, just an example. I just feel like it should be a struggle, early on, just to get by, and I shouldn't make so much money I feel like I should retire from adventuring:P

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This a brilliant idea, please do this!! I love a good challenge and Skyrim is, tbh too easy. I love your idea of reworking death, although then you have the whole problem of making an entire slavery mod, which would obviously be very difficult.

Also maybe you could make a "crippling" system like in fallout 3, so an arrow to the knee, for example would cripple your leg, and then there's the possibility of bleeding out etc :)

I really hope you or someone will do something like these :D

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This a brilliant idea, please do this!! I love a good challenge and Skyrim is, tbh too easy. I love your idea of reworking death, although then you have the whole problem of making an entire slavery mod, which would obviously be very difficult.

Also maybe you could make a "crippling" system like in fallout 3, so an arrow to the knee, for example would cripple your leg, and then there's the possibility of bleeding out etc :)

I really hope you or someone will do something like these :D


I'm sure it'd be tough... but even a simplistic version of death replacement would be a huge immersion improvement I think.


Anyways, I'll likely get started on this in the next week or so... hoping I can hear from people who have more experience modding this game so I'm not starting from scratch.

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please do it :thumbsup:


Umm... which?


The very first one I'll be doing is the economic rebalance. Essentially changing item values, adding items to represent more "worn" versions of the existing ones, reducing the amount of coin that's generated, things along those lines. The idea is that a suit of heavy armor should be damned expensive... and the economy shouldn't be such that "damned expensive" means "a few extra hours of grinding" but a concerted effort to make and save enough to buy that armor.


Of course, in the end, it'll work best alongside a combat rebalance mod that gives heavy armor it's due value in combat (along with its drawbacks, of course). Heavy armor isn't the be all-end all of this idea, just an example. I just feel like it should be a struggle, early on, just to get by, and I shouldn't make so much money I feel like I should retire from adventuring:P


i meant i agree with all... except the injury & recovery.

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