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Random unkillable NPCs


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Continuation of a previous issue that turned out to be a different issue entirely.


Basically, some NPCs are immortal in the eyes of the script engine. A random assortment of NPCs, essential or not, will go down as if essential when using the 'kill' and 'killall' console commands, and when using a spell with Kill() and KillEssential(). The NPCs can still be killed or downed the normal way (bashing their heads in) but seem to just glitch out when told to die by script. Weirdly, if I use 'kill' and they go down, and then use a spell with Kill(), they reset back to full health and mobility. I can't find any reason whatsoever why this would be the case, but is extremely annoying.


The only lead I may have is that occasionally in the debug, the KillEssential spell seems to be targeting a WIDeadBodyCleanupScript instead of an actor. No clue what to do with that information, though.


At this point it's completely game-breaking. Half the population of Skyrim is immortal for absolutly no reason.

Edited by Skipper2100
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Aha! Protected actors! That's what it is.


So now I know there's another entirely different set of immortal npcs that function independently of the essential ones. However, there doesn't seem to be a 'setprotected' flag as there is for essential ones... And apparently some will be protected regardless due to a formlist somewhere...


Could someone explain to me what the protected flag does and perhaps, if you know, how to bypass it?

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