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Scope glitch, anyone ever had this?


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I've heard of that one scope glitch where your scope becomes a computer screen and can be fixed just by restarting the game(?).


Well mine's not as bad, but the glitch seems to be permanent and I'm really starting to get annoyed to the point where I don't want to use scoped rifles anymore.


As you can see the glitch somehow glitches the scope mechanic so you can see the game world through the lower and upper sections. Ugh


This glitch also touches the binocular zoom, so it's a global thing, related to the zoom mechanic instead of a single scope interface texture?


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Have you changed your field of view in any way? Readius? Pip-Boy PDA? Something similar? Actually these two files wouldn't cause it, but it is a FOV error I'm looking at here.


The problem here is that the image is not being pulled back far enough to accomidate the changed field of view. I had this exact problem when editing my ini file in Fallout 3 to show more area, and when I reset it back to normal, it fixed the problem.

Edited by Jeoshua
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That did it! I restored all of my .ini files to default.


You were right, I must have changed a wrong fov setting in an ini file. (there are at least 3 different fov settings in there)


I guess I will now use only the console to change the fov to 90 to prevent any confusion from now on.

Thank you. Kudos. :sweat:

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The one which did it was the "world" FOV... don't remember the exact name of the variable but it was the only one that had "world" in it.


There was a mod which ran "fov 90" when you started up for Fallout 3. Look around, there might be something similar for New Vegas. That's what I ended up using after my scopes did this exact same thing.


Or you can make a text file and put it in your data files folder called "autoexec.con", write all the console commands you would run normally into that file, and then when you start up the game open the console and type:


run "autoexec.con"


It should be possible to make a mod which runs this whenever you start the game, as well.

Edited by Jeoshua
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