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This [the world as it is now] is as good as it gets


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People always come up with suggestions on how to make the world a better place:

¤ Start at home

¤ Be nice to people

¤ Don't kill and maim


But... the truth is, none of these suggestions are particularily new or unique. The staggeringly vast majority of the global population do not go around killing or maiming, nor do they steal, rape or brutalize, and they do not insult you without any just cause.

The pointless murder counts for a dissapearingly small percentage of any population, organized crime counts for a slightly larger percentage, but still very tiny, and even organized legal armed forces, who's duty it is to deal out destruction count for an average of 1% of any given population.


I'm not claiming people are always a fantastic blast, and personally I would love to see the masses more mentally educated than they are as of now, but its not gonna happen. It's like teaching an armadillo to play yatzee, it is simply undoable.


As for poverty and starvation in poor countries, we are simply going to have to come to terms with a stark choise: Wealth is not limitless. If we truly care, and truly want poor nations to fare better, we must give up a lot of what we have here. A good deal of nifty electronics are as affordable as they are, because other peoples are starving and dying slowly [a whole other matter], and of course, your own personal little boycott of electronics (as if) won't do anything, cus of course, it won't be really effective untill the whole world cuts down on its excessive abuse of poor nations and their resources.


Personally I am prepared. If the entire western world decides to move back to the bronze age, I'll join. Untill then, I'm not gonna go as some "poster example" and live like a heremit, while all of you keep enjoying the riches of the world, watching distant suffering on tv. Just remember, bliss doesn't last forever. Don't complain too loud when the tables turn, and it's Africa and Latin America who has to send us all foreign aid, show us swarmed with flies on tv, and hold concerts for us, where they sing and hold hands, believing such symbolic acts will make us all feel better.



Edited by zegh8578
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People always come up with suggestions on how to make the world a better place:

¤ Start at home

¤ Be nice to people

¤ Don't kill and maim


In that case I'm making this world into a hell-hole.


"Start at home" - My home is falling apart, at least when it comes to the building

"Be nice to people" - Yeah, right, nice. What's nice?

"Don't kill" - You're telling me this too late, is it okay if I stop now?

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People always come up with suggestions on how to make the world a better place:

¤ Start at home

¤ Be nice to people

¤ Don't kill and maim


In that case I'm making this world into a hell-hole.


"Start at home" - My home is falling apart, at least when it comes to the building

"Be nice to people" - Yeah, right, nice. What's nice?

"Don't kill" - You're telling me this too late, is it okay if I stop now?


awww, i bet your totally nice!

maybe not totally nice


at least you left out "maim", that counts for something :]

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@zegh8578 I left it out because I didn't know the definition, but I looked it up on google now and, well, I did that too. I'm a bad person :(.


well then... it seems you are indeed the root of all evil in the world >:I

you should be ashamed!

go to your room!

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@zegh8578, even though some may think you sound naive, I am ready to join the bronze age too, if only I live long enough to see that day when all people come to their senses and realize the madness in this world, :thumbsup:
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@zegh8578, even though some may think you sound naive, I am ready to join the bronze age too, if only I live long enough to see that day when all people come to their senses and realize the madness in this world, :thumbsup:


i have a method to my reasoning! :D

but not always a definite point :I

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