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Auto Harvest Ingredients


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Of the multiple tedious things to deal with in Skyrim, gathering ingredients has got to be one of them (at least for me). It's fine to do this when you only have a few things to gather but when you're collecting lots of ingredients for a potion batch build and the alchemist shops aren't being helpful with some specific ingredients, this can get to be very tedious.


Oblivion had some very handy mods to deal with this--Auto Harvest FLORA by Wonder Dog or Gather Ye Rosebuds by Wolfhound--to name a few. Essentially, the user wouldn't have to actually manually pick any ingredients but instead anything within a specific radius of the user would be automatically harvested. This comes in handy especially for areas like the Frostflow Abyss quest where are approximately 450 Chaurus eggs that can be harvested. Doing this manually is quite tedious.

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Have you tried the mod that makes it so alchemist shops always carry ingredients? Like they always have their rare ingredients in stock. However it doesn't give them stock of ingredients they never have a chance of selling, so I'm not sure if this would be helpful to you. It's something to look at in the meantime, I suppose, even if it only gives you access to a portion of the ingredients available in the world.


But yeah I feel your pain on those Chaurus eggs--even when I don't necessarily need them, I simply can't pass by ingredients (or treasure... or ore... or bandits...) without harvesting them. Ugh those spider eggs too; what I'd give to not have to listen to that sickening sound 100 times over.

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  • 4 weeks later...
This is a mod I've been looking for. I hope someone gets around to making one. I liked the mod in Oblivion that would auto harvest and would like to have one in Skyrim also. preferably one that would also allow you to auto harvest while on horseback.
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I'll see about making something like this in Script Dragon for practice, but I don't tend to publish anything I make (ever, if you notice my 0 submissions...) privately so don't hold your breath (plus I'm still getting used to Script Dragon). If I'm satisfied it's not horrible I'll release it for general consumption. Edited by NorthWolf
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Got a working version. Code is hideous in Script Dragon and terribly inefficient, might as well be bashing my head against a wall to paint it red. :confused: Nonetheless, I'll put up a public alpha when I have the time to spruce up the files, detail the ini, and make a description that isn't "derp derp derp" because I'm so tired. :(
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is exactly what i'd like to see! I'd prefer an SKSE plugin or script, because i think it has everything in it already that would be required to make this work as a spell or ability, and i dont see a lot of future support for script dragon.


Anyone up for a direct port of the original Gather Ye Rosebuds? Bethesda saw fit to add Harvest Flora as the default option for us this time at least!

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So, any interest in this? maybe from someone that knows both oblivion script and has been leaning skyrim script? wouldnt be TOO hard to have a function by function port from the old oblivion version, as long as the SKSE functions remained mostly the same?


Any interest at all? This would be great!

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I'd be interested in fiddling with this idea, and I see that Papyrus has the function needed to do it, whereas in Oblivion it was added by OBSE. The only problem is that I don't see any loop functions on the CK wiki. Does anyone know if they exist, because if not we'll have to wait for SKSE to add them.
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