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stilll.... choppy....


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now i have about 30GB free space, cus someone recommended more free space for memory purposes

i got the stupid d3d9 dll file, it does nothing

i tried the fpsclamp thing in the ini file, it does nothing but reset itself to 0 as soon as it can

i have the latest patch, no effect

i have an ATI 5700 card, i am within all specs, i did try a test thingy online to check everything, and i should be able to run it: i run oblivion and fallout 3 totally fine, on medium settings


im trying fallout new vegas on _rock bottom_ settings, and i get the _exact same_ stuttering, it is continous, with a small "hiccup" every few seconds. i have v-sync on

i cannot think of anything else, searching for solutions on google only make me sad, cus 90% recommends the d3d9 file, and then celebrate how it worked wonders :(


dual 3.2 Ghz

2GB ram


i mean, i dont have the best system, but with everything set to _rock bottom_ i expect... some... payoff for that, but none... are there ANY new solutions for this, i have yet to come across?


update: changed the fallout_default.ini's fpsclamp, no effect.

added the no stuttering file that i've just found in the downloads: no... effect..........


its not even pissing me off anymore... :'(


and of all things, it recommends "ultra high" when it first assesses my system. of all things...

Edited by zegh8578
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if any one piece of hardware upgrade could work, which one would be the most likely candidate?

i got a gift card for a computer store for xmas :I


(ive seen people w much better system specs than me struggle w the same issue tho... this has probably been the biggest game dissapointment ever, in my limited gaming interest... )

Edited by zegh8578
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Okay what are you defining as "stutter"


Because New Vegas Stutter Remover really is made for a very specific kind of "microstutter" that comes from a disjoint between the engine's 64 hz scripting and your monitor's 60hz refresh rate.


Do you mean "low FPS?"




If you could get one thing, I'd say that you should get a better video card, and after that, more RAM which is your second bottleneck. The 3.2Ghz Dual core is perfectly acceptable and even awesome for this game.

Edited by Jeoshua
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Okay what are you defining as "stutter"


Because New Vegas Stutter Remover really is made for a very specific kind of "microstutter" that comes from a disjoint between the engine's 64 hz scripting and your monitor's 60hz refresh rate.


Do you mean "low FPS?"




If you could get one thing, I'd say that you should get a better video card, and after that, more RAM which is your second bottleneck. The 3.2Ghz Dual core is perfectly acceptable and even awesome for this game.


by stutter i mean a slight "jerkyness" in the visuals when i move around, either out or indoors, but theres more of it outdoors. it is consistent, as in, wherever i move, near npcs or alone, it will give me a little stop about once a second. i wouldnt call it low FPS, because _between the stutters_ it moves smoothly.


it also remains exactly the same no matter what graphics settings i implement, medium or low (i havent tried high..), it doesnt stutter any more or less, but keeps just as consistent.


the stutter itself is very brief/slight each time, but just enough to ruin any form of gaming experience.



and thanx for the recommendation (and the reply! :D). as my economy dictates, im probably gonna do it the other way around, getting more ram, then save up for a better video card (cus the ram i can actually afford, with a giftcard i got :D)

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  • 2 weeks later...

ugraded my ram from 2GB to 3GB,

absolutely no concievable effect on the game...


i cant believe this... not even a little effect, and now i am well beyond minimum specs :S

are there _anybody_ out there who can play this game on minimum specs only??? :/

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I have been struggling with this game for the last 2 weeks, crashes, freezes, stuttering. It's a nightmare. I run Skyrim on max settings and i have not had any of the problems other people had from day one. It runs smooth since 11-11, but Fallout NV ughhh, must be my payback for Skyrim running like a charm.


here's A few more things you could try that worked for me. (Though yesterday i decided to do a fresh install)


Some tips:


One of the most important things i found out is the registry. Use a good Registry cleaner program and use it each time before you start to play.


Use NVSE (Dunno why but it improved performance for me)


Install mods using the Mod manager, create Fomods if you have to but do not copy them manually into the folders.


Defrag and clean registry frequently.


Most of the solutions you can find here:




Back up the INI files before you start:


The ones that worked best for me>>>


The invidia card fix, the site above also provides a solution for ATI cards.


Run in XP compatibility and as administrator


First is a fix for Quad cores, but it helped on my Duocore to by using iNumHWThreads=1 instead of iNumHWThreads=2

That reduced CTD's from once every 30 minutes to once every 60-90 minutes and reduced stuttering as well.



Open up the fallout.ini file in: My Documents\My Games\Fallout3

Find the line:




change it to:




Add another line beneath it and insert:




This will limit the game to 2 cores and prevent the engine bug from causing the game to freeze.


6. Repeat steps 2-5 for fallout_default.ini file in installation dir (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas)


*If the game still crashes write this iNumHWThreads=1




Found via google:


in the fallout.ini file


under section






change to





# Fallout New Vegas Frame Skipping/Stuttering Fix

This fix will make game smoother, fps and stuttering will be reduced to a bearable level. If you are to try this tweak, make sure you have vsync on.


You need to edit your “FALLOUT.ini”, but before you proceed to edit it, make sure you back it up.

Windows Vista/ Windows 7

C:\Users\[your username]\Documents\My Games\Fallout New Vegas\FALLOUT.ini

and change iFPSClamp=0 to iFPSClamp=60

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thanx for the quick response

i had tried the fpsclamp, but not the other tricks there. no effect, however...

the only point i didnt follow up was running in xp compatibility, since im running on xp allready


i cant believe how impossible this game is being... its like a lame curse :S i musta tried over 20 different fixes, and _not one_ had any effect whatsoever... that sliiight but always present stuttering is still there, "pausing" the game every 1-2 seconds...


and this cannot possibly be something bethesda considers playable? because minimum requirements hardware-wise is below what i have now. in other words, have they actually played it stuttering like hell, for then to nod and thumbs up?

"awesome, everything stutters! these are definitely playable minimum requirements!" i just dont get it...



im going to try the amd catalyst hotfix. im pessimistic :D but it wont hurt to try... / aaand it had no effect whatsoever.....

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I use the AntiFREEZE 0.96 enbpatch that is "supposedly" for skyrim, but works with any netimmerse game pretty well. One of the things it does is lets you hit Num-Multiply [*], and get a fps count.


You'd be surprised how some mods can take away your frames just by using scripts and quests with a 0.01 offset. 100 times a second it's scanning things in the cell to see if you picked up the one object they've scripted. This is usually like a 1 or 2 frame difference, but when you add a bunch of these kind of quests and scripts together, you can get down to really low fps numbers.

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:biggrin: Dont give up yet, like i said i done a fresh install yesterday. Did every .ini tweak i could find, Installed about 40 mods with the FOMM (mostly weapons & clothing) + Willow, Shiloh's dessert succubus and the Medium 5gb texture pack before even starting a new game.




I completely missed this one though i should have known since i used it for Skyrim untill beth fixed it themselves :wallbash: it very clearly stated it was taken from Fall out but should work for Skyrim to lol.


Get the 4gb large awareness adres prog. You can ignore the fact that it says it's 4GB. My CPU does'nt have 4GB but i played for 3 hours yesterday without a single crash. I dont know the technicallities behind it, and i dont want to know, it works that is enough for me :biggrin:


(Though i dont use NVSE now, have not figured out yet if the two are compatible.)


scrap that there is a nvse compatible starter for the 4gb awareness)


The only thing i noticed during gameplay is that it sometimes slows down your movement in a slow motion style way but then gradually speeds up again without any stutter whatsoever.


After those 3 hours i did have a crash, started up and it was slow and stuttering, but after cleaning the register and a reboot it worked like a charm again.


Now I can agree that it's utterly stupid to have to reboot and clean registry to play a game every few hours, but it's just to good a game to be let down by that little fact.


I even loaded some old savegames from the installation where i had constant crashes & freezes. It worked on those to without a problem.


So do a fresh install, tweak the ini files, install any mods and get the large adres awarenes prog before starting a new game.


According to Fraps i'm running between 40 & 60 fps


Hope that will help you.


Just played for 5 hours without a crash or any loading problems. It did freeze at one point but, i did not turn off Norton and it started to run a background scan, when it was done the game just took off again where it froze. So get that 4gb mod

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