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Ideas for future mods


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Hey every one whats up! I'm going to start a topic and see where it goes. If you want post up your ideas I don't care, and if there just so happens to be a mod for that and some one knows maybe they be kind enough to link us up!


Ok first of one mod I want is an over drawn out RP mod where People in the wasteland are highly Talkative and more you can talk the more you will be able to find out!!!!! Sway people to kill some for you, or marry you!


Yeah like people now have like a Happiness bar and you can give em gifts to make em life you or you can talk to em or interact on a very deep level kind of like Fable!


It would be cool to add Personalty to the people of waste and have some kind of pip boy app that Dialogs people like in L.A. Noire, and all notes will start out very short and sweet but the more you talk and get to know some one there data file gets bigger like... Veronica telling you here wight or cup size Or maybe finny find out if she had that fling with Christine Royce (from Dead money) or if it was Sarah Lyons (from falll out 3)... I mean shes does know what a small captor far to the east has a civil war over there isolation ( sound like the OUTCAST to you?)


or get some kind of perks lets me be "Racist" and say mean mean things to "Ghouls, Super Mutant, or other Wasters based "Income, Location, Faction, Gender, sexual orientation, and RACE".... Lets face it you get race opposition for a reason. why do i want this as a mod... eh WHY NOT? adds a goofy element to the game.


Or maybe the dialog more based on Karma... nice people say nice things, Dad people say bad things like to openly say to boons face that he should kill him self like he killed his wife!


onces again why... Eh WHY NOT!



if i have to eat, sleep, and drink waters i think i should be able to date, marry or have really awkward gay moments


I want a ROPE! yes i want a Rope or some kind of lasso to Round up crooks. why... well what if i want to play a completely pacifistic character? Tieing up or hand cuffing people so they cant fight back? Stun them with bean bags knock em out cold for hours! Or get them lasers from kill to... stun



you know what Fall out just needs to team up with like Lion head and Rockstar! cus lets face it Rock star did a bang up job on Red dead, and Fallout NV would be cool in that kind of play style, mounts would be cool as s***! i mean you get em in oblivion why not fallout? and if lion head did the world you be able to shoot out windows and have guards after you!

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