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I can't get AFT to work with Requiem :(!


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No matter how hard I have tried I can't get aft to work with requiem! I have tried putting it after requiem in the load order by dragging it under it I have also tried patching requiem with AFT enabled. I Can get AFT in the mod configuration menu but when I talk to my followers it just shows the normal dialogue options in vanilla skyrim. I would love to get this mod working so I can finally play this game. I can get UFO to kind of work but I really dislike this follower mod. I have also tried Extensible Follower Framework but It still shows just vanilla skyrim dialogue options. I'm getting so frustrated with this because I really want to get AFT to work because its such a great mod and I hate using followers without it. Help is much appreciated thank you so much!


Update: Now its not even showing up in the MCM tab x(

Edited by jamesbowers9898
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