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Game crashes seemingly randomly, but never lasts more than a few minutes


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Been trying to fix this for hours, game loads fine, everything works, but only for about 5-15 minutes, then crashes to desktop every time.


Specs (I know <0 about computer specs, this is straight off the control panel like it says in the how to post)

- This is a laptop -

Processor : intel core i3-4005U @ 1.70Ghz

RAM: 6.00 GB

64 bit processor


The Game is in the usual location C:\program files(x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim


âMy Skyrim version is up to date


I've got Dawngaurd, Dragonborn, amd Hearthfire


I'm using Mod Organizer


I'm using SKSE version 1.7.3


I've been using LOOT


Loot isnt showing my Load Order, but here it is from Mod Organizer http://pastebin.com/kRVurNU7


The game has worked with mods before, but like a fool I kept adding more and more mods, and now here I am.

I've tried verifying the game cache, and a hundred other things. Mod Organizer is throwing no errors, this is what really has me stumped.


I've attached the last crash report, it means nothing to me, maybe you guys can see something in it.




I really appreciate the nicely spelled out directions for posts, very structured, made this much easier for me

Edited by Brotherkojo
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1. Put your USLEEP right up against your Dragonborn.esm, it should come after it.
2. Make sure you are using the USLEEP Patch for RS Children Overhaul, it is a separate mod, look for it on the Nexus. Make sure you reinstall the mod and do not select the USKP patch.
3. Make sure that your Skyrim Flora Overhaul settings are changed properly in your .inis as the mod author suggests.
4. RS Patch.esp should almost in all cases be very last in your load order. It goes after Alternate Start.
5. Dance of Death is outdated, use Violens.
6. While Open Cities is a great mod, I see it causing issues for tons of people. You might consider whether it is really worth it possibily being a source for your CTDs.

7. I generally have my left and right pane follow this load order:
[all your other mods without .esps] (Bug Fixes, Safety Load, UI Extensions)
[all your other .esp files] (Frostfall, SkyUI, Wet and Cold)
[Texture files you don't want to overwrite SMIM]
[Texture files you do want to have priority over SMIM]
[Custom Body Meshes] (UNP, CBBE Bodies)
[Custom Body Textures] (Realgirls, Mature Skin, Fine Face Textures for Men)
[Animations] (Realistic Animation Project - Movement, Sexy Idles, FNIS)
[Custom Skeletons] (XP32, XPMSE)
Alternative Start

Once in this order on BOTH the left and right panes, I will run LOOT. It will sort the right pane into an order it prefers. Once done, I match the LEFT pane to the right EXCEPT for the SMIM related texture mods; with those I keep them in whatever order on the left that I want my textures to show up like. On the right pane, with SMIM, make sure that your mods are organized in the way that the mod author suggests, such as in relation to various lighting mods, WATER, and other mods.

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Also be advised that whenever you move or delete mods on an active save, because Skyrim bakes scripts into your saves, it can cause CTDs for you. For this reason, I suggest that you start a new game and see if your problems persist after new arrangement of your mods is in place.


Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are not using an skse.ini, you should be. It helps allocate memory and can help with certain Crashes.

Make sure you properly have cleaned your skyrim, update, and dlc files with TES5edit. If you did it wrong, it could cause issues.

Also make sure that your overwrite folder is completely empty. If you don't know how to empty it, Gopher has an introductory video on mod organizer.

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Also be advised that whenever you move or delete mods on an active save, because Skyrim bakes scripts into your saves, it can cause CTDs for you. For this reason, I suggest that you start a new game and see if your problems persist after new arrangement of your mods is in place.


Another thing to keep in mind is that if you are not using an skse.ini, you should be. It helps allocate memory and can help with certain Crashes.

Make sure you properly have cleaned your skyrim, update, and dlc files with TES5edit. If you did it wrong, it could cause issues.

Also make sure that your overwrite folder is completely empty. If you don't know how to empty it, Gopher has an introductory video on mod organizer.

Thanks I really appreciate it! To be honest I went through the steps listed under the first pinned topic, and added the SKES.ini file, and it stopped the crashing. However I'm gonna go ahead and do your suggestions anyway, can't do anything but make it better!

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