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Skyrim - An Idea for a Major Conversion [ Alagaësia ]


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Niko Enko: First - Eragonlike - finding - You are making some quests and when travelling around mountains you see some dying Dragon, when you came close she speaks to you, to take care of her egg to not being kidnapped by the not-vardens, who are evil. When you touch the egg it will hatch after 24 hours, and then you have to think about the side you would like to choose, you cannot stay freelance, because you will be too powerful, to be not allied with one of the sides.

I think this is the way we should do it as well. good thinking Niko :)

Edited by kirk112
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but that still leaves the question: Why are the varden evil?

Personally i'd like to see the varden as friendlies.

the varden arnt evil its the not-vardens whoever it is we havent thought of the name yet i guess what about My suggestion of Eragons place name?

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but that still leaves the question: Why are the varden evil?

Personally i'd like to see the varden as friendlies.

the varden arnt evil its the not-vardens whoever it is we havent thought of the name yet i guess what about My suggestion of Eragons place name?

Im sorry, i must have misread.

Then i think its a pretty good idea for a story.


You´re name for eragon´s place sounds good

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i am not certain bout the dying mother dragon, not sure why. just doesnt seem right for Inheritance cycle. Then the young dragon would be unbound and how will a wild dragon be dying (yes it could be found later in the main quest)it wont be natural, lives forever.wont be too big, bout 10 years old. Plus it seems a little far fetched (wild dragons dont speak in language, but emotions, images ect...)
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It's crazy how fast the comments are coming lol, I come back after like 4 hours and there's 5 extra pages to read.


@MCBM: I know that Zar'roc doesn't start on fire, what I meant was that if we are able to do it with our characters, it would take away from the uniqueness of Eragon's sword :tongue: . However, I can't remember why exactly he was able to do it, I need to read the third book again. Maybe our characters can go through a similar process to allow that to happen.


Another thing I was thinking of is how the dragon will age. I believe earlier I read that it would grow as time went on. I didn't know if this means real time or game time. The problem with it being game time would be that somebody could just rest repeatedly and get their dragon huge in no time. I was thinking it could grow/age as the character levels up (but power-leveling could cause a similar problem). Once again, just throwing some ideas out there, I don't know what is/isn't possible, or what's best lol.

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As a huge fan of the Eragon series, I was planning to create a quest involving the riders sword. Here is the current plot: It isn't like you the full eragon universe, but it takes Eragon plot lines and puts them in to skyrim.


1: You come across an elf wandering around outside of Riften.

2: You approach him, and his name is Rhunon, and you ask him what he is doing

3: He tells you that he is wandering around looking for brightsteel. He tells you about how it is used to create the Rider's sword, which is extremely effective on dragons and capable of taking them down in mere hits.

4: You tell him that you will keep your eye out if you find any. He suggests checking Riften.

5: You enter a empty house in Riften with a trapdoor on the floor

6: Before you enter, a courier runs up to you and hands you a letter: "When the time comes and you need a weapon, look under the roots of the Menoa tree." signed by "a friend".

7: You go through the trapdoor and run through a small dungeon. You approach a fight with a Dragon Priest, and after defeating it walk right into a room with a dragon that is not damageable with your weapon.

8: You just barely escape through a crevice in the ceiling which brings you into the forests outside of Riften

9: You see a big tree, the Menoa Tree, and have a conversation with it.

10: It gives you a BrightSteel Ore if you shout Fire Breath on it.

11: You find Rhunon again and he tells you to follow him to his smith.

12: He tells you that he refuses to make the sword, and tells you a short tale about the past mixing Tamriel lore with some Eragon lore

13: He tells you how to create the sword

14: You go to the forge and create the sword, in the color of the dragon in the dungeon

15: You go back into the dungeon, and the sword allows you to kill the dragon. Upon defeating it, your sword gains a point of damage.

16: Reward is the Dragon Sword, which gains a point in damage whenever you kill a dragon with it.


I love eragon though, and would love to tweak this to fit your mod or help you with anything that I can do in my reach. I really hope this turns out as epic as it is planned.

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