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Skyrim - An Idea for a Major Conversion [ Alagaësia ]


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Brunnwag, please, use punctuation. :confused:


Also, edited my previous post.

Sorry. I'm on an iPad but i'll be on my computer later.

Edit: now on my computer. And btw saphiras looking nice but i picture her like this... Click Here Not like the film, when i saw the film i was actually dissapointed but thats just me. I dont mind which way you do it.

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Update on textures:

Finished the basic sword.









Just started on the Captain's Sword. Will be done today with a little luck, if not tomorrow.

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The results are getting better all the time :)


Thanks :)


Draco, You sure you want your name on the captains blade? I planned on putting it on with gold trimmed edges. But it'll be painfully visible that the depth of the text you added to the model isnt in a straight line.

So what i want to do now is leave the text on in in the relief of the normal map, but not accentuate it with gold edges.

(so you won't see the text (and misalignment) unless you hold it against the light.)


I could scrap the text from the normal map entirely and add an elven phrase to it or something.


Or maybe add your name in nordic runes instead of the phrase...


Reason i'm telling you this is because it's a fine detail in the normal map that i rather not try to move it on the normal map. Because that might lead to very strange reflections on some surfaces.

And it's easier to remove it entirely or not touch it at all.


What are your thoughts on this one? :unsure:

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This is what i feared, too visible...............


Maybe the first option?

"So what i want to do now is leave the text on in in the relief of the normal map, but not accentuate it with gold edges."

If that doesn't work, i'll redo the normal map, it's my mistake and i'll fix it.


EDIT: here's the dragons progress so far. What do you think, good enough to move on?

Edited by AnonDraco
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This is what i feared, too visible...............


Maybe the first option?

"So what i want to do now is leave the text on in in the relief of the normal map, but not accentuate it with gold edges."

If that doesn't work, i'll redo the normal map, it's my mistake and i'll fix it.


M'kay :)

I'll see how it works out, else i'll replace that part of the normalmap with normals for different text.

I mean, you could give me a phrase or anything. Just let me know what font style and size to use and i add it to the blade. (hell you could even search the interwebz for images of characters and text and compile those to a word.)

And that's probably less work for me than it would be for you to fix the entire map ;)


It's such an awesome blade, and i just want to make sure you're absolutely satisfied with it :thumbsup:



Wow! Great work on those legs! Those look great!

Although i do think the shoulders should be a little more muscular.

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If you can fix it without losing the details, go ahead.

You can delete the name, it doesnt matter.


It's just the text, the rest of the details is already on it ;)

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