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Skyrim - An Idea for a Major Conversion [ Alagaësia ]


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Yeah I don't really remember any vividly described armor/armor sets, only swords really. I just think it would be cool to have armor the same color as your dragon lol. For the swords though, I can't remember if it was stated already somewhere in the thread, but I think that doing a quest to get your sword would be awesome. And I could really try to do anything except voice acting, unless it's absolutely needed. I will reinstall Oblivion and start going over some tutorials for scripting and modeling and those sort of things as soon as I get back from vacation.


I just got Inheritance for Christmas, so most of that book is still fresh in my mind. However it would probably be a good idea to re-read, or at least skim through, the other three books to refresh my memory on everything.


It could be done though it would be funny . Blue Dragon, Blue Sword, Blue Armor...its exaggerated :P


As for getting the sword, It will be part of the Main Quest. Eragon will give it to you :)


Experiment till the time when we need to start the mod :)


And enjoy your vacation!!!


BTW Happy New Year to everyone!

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I dont think colored armor would look very good. I like a lot of armors that are in the game allready and i think on this part we could look at a few movies. Even the Eragon movie did a pretty good job on the armors. I wish everyone a happy new year as well. Only 3 hours and 40 mins remaining here :P
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Yeah I suppose I should have specified a little more. I didn't necessarily mean completely colored armor, just with some accents. Picturing it the way I said it before does look really ridiculous lol. But I agree, the armor does look pretty good as it is.


I think the part that I'm waiting for the most is having a dragon companion. And I also want to wish everybody a Happy New Years. Still have about six and half hours here

Edited by Phantom430
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I dont think colored armor would look very good. I like a lot of armors that are in the game allready and i think on this part we could look at a few movies. Even the Eragon movie did a pretty good job on the armors. I wish everyone a happy new year as well. Only 3 hours and 40 mins remaining here :P


Yeah the Armors on the Eragon Movie are good ( everything else was pretty much crap though :P ).


Yeah I suppose I should have specified a little more. I didn't necessarily mean completely colored armor, just with some accents. Picturing it the way I said it before does look really ridiculous lol. But I agree, the armor does look pretty good as it is.


I think the part that I'm waiting for the most is having a dragon companion. And I also want to wish everybody a Happy New Years. Still have about six and half hours here


We could make armors which will have the dragon's scale color in some parts. They could be made with Birghtsteel ( since I'm sure Eragon will have found some where he has gone and was happy to send it to Rhunön ^^ ) so that they are very strong!


And don't worry, your dragon in this mod will be Companion + Mount + Friend :D

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yea, i think dragons should definitely have dialogues.

I thought i'd also put up a few ideas for commands in the ancient language.


Being able to create light (brisingr raudhr etc.)

Use the power of water (not ice) (adurna risa)

Be able to levitate (like in morrowind) because that is what eragon used too in the books (helgrind). (has to consume a lot of power though)

Be able to instant kill simple enemies (that dont have wards for such spells) by using Deyja or other words of death.

Create wards against other magicians that consume energy once the wards get hit.

Being able to use Draumr Kópa (for quests only i think)

Be able to put your enemies (that are not warded for enemy magic) to sleep using Slytha


A few things that should not be possible or unless you are very strong (eldunari)

Clear skies, the power required to lift all the moisture in the air is gigantic. (Eragon did try to put the Kull in the fog in the valley to the varden, but see where that got him)


Also i think you should be able to cast some spells from the pommel of your riders sword once you have it and store some energy into it. (and rings and other jewels that are pure enough)

Once you are a dragon rider, you should also get the Gedwëy ignasia visible on your character.


Some of these things probably seem obvious but it is very important that such details are not left out.

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I didn't read the previous posts, except the first one, but i would like to tell you that i think it is a great idea, and i can help in the ways i can, like writing quests or editing textures/playing with photoshop.

So i want you to know that i am huge Dragon Riders fan! :D

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Good idea, I always wanted a good Alagaesia game, and I can think of no better medium than Skyrim!


I think that for gameplay you could abolish both magicka and stamina, and have both melee attacks and magic attacks draw from your health, or what you could call the "Energy Bar"


As for spells, I think that you could learn words through dictionaries (which would be like spell tomes), and using the shout system you can create spells. When I say create what I mean is that you would have this list of words, and you would have 3 slots (like in a shout), and you mix and match words to make a spell. The 3 slots would be arranged in some sort of syntax such as [direction] [method] [effect]. Direction would be a direction, such as forward, up, down, back, left, right, inwards, or outwards, or even no direction. Method would be the form of delivery, such as a ball or shard (for fireball and ice shard), or direct delivery, where the spell takes effect instantly wherever you're pointing. And effect is the basic effect, such as fire, frost, force, lightning, ect.


So as example of how a spell would be structured (with these words being replaced with their Ancient Language equivalent of course):


Forward Instant Fire


Forward indicates that when the spell occurs, it will be casting forwards. Instant indicates that wherever you are pointing at the time, the spell will take affect, and fire means that it's a fire spell. So what would happen is that a gush of fire will go forwards wherever you're pointing. Here's another example and explanation:


Outwards Self Force


Outwards means that when the spell takes effect it will go outwards from it's location, self means that the spell will be delivered from where you are standing, and force obviously means that it will be a gush of force, like Fus Ro Da.


There's endless possibilities for combinations of words, and it would allow for spell making, which is something I really miss, You could buy the "tomes"/dictionaries for new words, or learning them from people. You could even make quests out of learning some of the more useful or powerful words. You can also have actual spell books, where instead of learning the spell/words instantly like the spell tomes, it just lists a combination of words that would make a useful spell, kinda like the notes that list the ingredients for a certain potion.

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Hey guys I am reading a lot of great ideas but I haven't heard anyone talk about the subject of your dragon... will it be customizable? can you choose its colour? can you choose your dragons weight and its sex? I think it would be good to have a little bit of customization. Also I would be happy to help with anything that needs doing in the mod as i was going to do this myself. i will just have to get used to the new creation kit before i can start doing anything.


another thing we should think of is custom dragon riders swords for example colour, length, width, one handed or two handed that sort of thing

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yea, i think dragons should definitely have dialogues.

I thought i'd also put up a few ideas for commands in the ancient language.


Being able to create light (brisingr raudhr etc.)

Use the power of water (not ice) (adurna risa)

Be able to levitate (like in morrowind) because that is what eragon used too in the books (helgrind). (has to consume a lot of power though)

Be able to instant kill simple enemies (that dont have wards for such spells) by using Deyja or other words of death.

Create wards against other magicians that consume energy once the wards get hit.

Being able to use Draumr Kópa (for quests only i think)

Be able to put your enemies (that are not warded for enemy magic) to sleep using Slytha


A few things that should not be possible or unless you are very strong (eldunari)

Clear skies, the power required to lift all the moisture in the air is gigantic. (Eragon did try to put the Kull in the fog in the valley to the varden, but see where that got him)


Also i think you should be able to cast some spells from the pommel of your riders sword once you have it and store some energy into it. (and rings and other jewels that are pure enough)

Once you are a dragon rider, you should also get the Gedwëy ignasia visible on your character.


Some of these things probably seem obvious but it is very important that such details are not left out.


Those are all good ideas though some of them ( such as Draumr Kopa and the eldunari are complicated, though I'm confident that we will find a way to make it happen :)


As for casting spells from the pommel of the blade, that I'm afraid can only work if the sword is a staff ( and I doubt anyone would want that :P )


The Gedwey Ignasia should be easy enough and you are right. Details such as these are not to be left out.



I didn't read the previous posts, except the first one, but i would like to tell you that i think it is a great idea, and i can help in the ways i can, like writing quests or editing textures/playing with photoshop.

So i want you to know that i am huge Dragon Riders fan! :D


We'd be glad to have your help :)


Good idea, I always wanted a good Alagaesia game, and I can think of no better medium than Skyrim!


I think that for gameplay you could abolish both magicka and stamina, and have both melee attacks and magic attacks draw from your health, or what you could call the "Energy Bar"


As for spells, I think that you could learn words through dictionaries (which would be like spell tomes), and using the shout system you can create spells. When I say create what I mean is that you would have this list of words, and you would have 3 slots (like in a shout), and you mix and match words to make a spell. The 3 slots would be arranged in some sort of syntax such as [direction] [method] [effect]. Direction would be a direction, such as forward, up, down, back, left, right, inwards, or outwards, or even no direction. Method would be the form of delivery, such as a ball or shard (for fireball and ice shard), or direct delivery, where the spell takes effect instantly wherever you're pointing. And effect is the basic effect, such as fire, frost, force, lightning, ect.


So as example of how a spell would be structured (with these words being replaced with their Ancient Language equivalent of course):


Forward Instant Fire


Forward indicates that when the spell occurs, it will be casting forwards. Instant indicates that wherever you are pointing at the time, the spell will take affect, and fire means that it's a fire spell. So what would happen is that a gush of fire will go forwards wherever you're pointing. Here's another example and explanation:


Outwards Self Force


Outwards means that when the spell takes effect it will go outwards from it's location, self means that the spell will be delivered from where you are standing, and force obviously means that it will be a gush of force, like Fus Ro Da.


There's endless possibilities for combinations of words, and it would allow for spell making, which is something I really miss, You could buy the "tomes"/dictionaries for new words, or learning them from people. You could even make quests out of learning some of the more useful or powerful words. You can also have actual spell books, where instead of learning the spell/words instantly like the spell tomes, it just lists a combination of words that would make a useful spell, kinda like the notes that list the ingredients for a certain potion.


Heh, yeah the dictionaries are a good idea ( i might have mentioned them in an older post here on in Inheritance forums -you can find the link to that in the first post- ). Word mixing would be difficult though in the manner of scripting the game for it to work. As it has been previously said we will try to combine shouts with animations and the result will be an animation -casting the spell in the direction you are pointing- and hearing a word. Mixing them with directions would make things too complicated. Another smaller issue is that we lack some of these words. CP's dictionary explains lots of words. Not all of them, however. We might be forced to create default word combinations ( as many as we can think of ) and keep adding to that number as we go.


As for learning the words. It will be as you said : Dictionaries, people, quests :)


P.S. As for from where magic would draw, it could be from health but I'm thinking Stamina, until its depleted. After that it will draw from Health on a very fast rate.


Of course we will honor the cheater and allow the tgm command to make people able to use unlimited power :P


Hey guys I am reading a lot of great ideas but I haven't heard anyone talk about the subject of your dragon... will it be customizable? can you choose its colour? can you choose your dragons weight and its sex? I think it would be good to have a little bit of customization. Also I would be happy to help with anything that needs doing in the mod as i was going to do this myself. i will just have to get used to the new creation kit before i can start doing anything.


another thing we should think of is custom dragon riders swords for example colour, length, width, one handed or two handed that sort of thing


I'm glad you asked, because I'm getting the opportunity to explain :).


Dragons might be customizable but that is not a certainty. Perhaps the engine will not allow it. In that case a topic with a poll will have to be placed so that people on this forum ( and on Inheritance Forums ) will be able to vote on the Dragon's scale color and another for the gender. Based on what the majority wants, we will proceed.


But that is if we are unable to make dragons customizable.


Dragons will also have to grow. From the point when they hatch, they will be like children - Unkillable - . After like 5 game days, they will be replaced by a bigger model, and so on. Eventually after a game month they will be ridable. And every month they will grow substantially..seemingly forever :P


The rider sword will be customizable if the dragon is. If it isn't the color will be the same as the dragon's but we will make multible models for it ( long/short/broad/thin/one handed/two handed )


Finally we would be glad to receive your help, and thanks for adding me as a friend :)

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No problems, please message me if there are any important discussions or anything we need to do as I would like to really get involved in this. Whenever you start making the mod inform me and i will do whatever i can to help.
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