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Skyrim - An Idea for a Major Conversion [ Alagaësia ]


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YES this is something i would play to death!


That ^^, Has to be one of the best comments so far :laugh:

Would take a while before it's playable though :mellow:

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i would so play this to DEATH!!! im just geting a grip with PC gaming after getting a AMD ATi Radeon HD 6670 trying out a few things. Like our first weapon pack... post feedback later :)

Edit: not had time to really check but will another time. Maybe we could update our mod? I can't leave feedback on already fixed blades :(

Double Edit: how long till you do the elven scimitar? I used the old one and wasnt impressed :( maybe it could be the model aswell as the textures. I found the wood texture you used was an odd shade and looked terrible on the scimitar. I think we should refrain from wood in elven stuff. Is it possible to use vanilla skyrim textures? Because the (yes i know you dont like it) deadric steel part would do well on the elven steel and any wood from skyrim would work on our axes.

Edited by brunnwag
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Weapon count so far:


Models (Anondraco): 12

Textured: 12

Models (me): 10

Textured: 4


Still waiting for the links to the Rapier and the dragonblade, Anondraco ;)

Talking about waiting........ Where's that CK, Bethesda? :blink: The waiting is unbearable! :ohdear:


Meh... last one for tonight:

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I feel terrible. Its in my nature to give very strict constructive critisism but as i cant do any of what you are doing i feel bad :(.

Urwy your modelling skills are increasing really fast! Are you sure your not doing that oghma infigni - thingy glitch? But is it the angle or is the blade really short? The hilt looks 1/3 of the size of the blade? Or is it just me? I am tired.

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The only flaw i could point out with this is if you wanted actual dragon riding in this, it would be incredibly hard to mod.

Skyrim's engine runs on the fact it wont load what you cannot see, thus making the world as detailed as possible with little runtime slowdown. the issue of "flying" is that all areas are visible.

I dont know how this would react, I.e. instant lag/crash or big chunks of land remain invisible.

But i do know, you would need to re-configure the game engine to sort this out.


However, as a mod, i would love to see this.

if this mod continues, blease keep me updated.

If you need a voice actor, i could help... so long as you dont mind the british accent :P

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Like the idea. fog is more plausable.


That or come up with a cinimatic Animation specificaly for starting dragon flight and landing.

Alternativley you could create an area that simulates the land from high up for an animation dependant on character and dragon design...


Just some thoughts...

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Yes, like a lower detail land map that you fly over (loaded as a complete seperate area, the land is closer but looks smaller due to textures using "existing animations"), fog to cover more densely covered land (ie forrests, mountains etc) and maybe some cloud cover.
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